다음을 통해 공유

Deleting an Index

You can delete indexes you're no longer using by deleting the tag within the .cdx file, or by deleting the .idx file itself for stand-alone indexes. Deleting unused index tags improves performance by removing the need for Visual FoxPro to update unused tags to reflect changes in a table's data.

Deleting a Tag from the Structural .cdx File

You can remove a tag from the structural .cdx file using the Table Designer or the language.

To delete an index tag in the structural .cdx

  • In the Table Designer, use the Index tab to select and delete the index.


  • Use the DELETE TAG command.


  • Use the DROP PRIMARY KEY or DROP UNIQUE TAG clauses of the ALTER TABLE command.

For example, if your employee table contained a tag called title, you could delete it using the following code:

USE employee

If the tag you wanted to delete was the primary key for the employee table, you could use the ALTER TABLE command:

USE employee

Deleting a Tag from a Non-Structural .cdx File

A non-structural .cdx index and its tags are not visible in the Table Designer. You use the language to delete a tag from a non-structural .cdx file.

To delete an index in a non-structural .cdx file

You use the OF clause with the DELETE TAG command to direct Visual FoxPro to delete a tag from a .cdx other than the structural .cdx file. For example, if you have a non-structural .cdx file named QRTLYRPT.CDX with a tag called title, you could delete the title tag with the following command:

DELETE TAG title OF qtrlyrpt

You delete all the tags in a structural or non-structural .cdx file with the ALL clause of the DELETE TAG command.

Deleting a Stand-Alone .idx Index File

Because a stand-alone index file contains only a single index key expression, you delete the expression by deleting the .idx file from disk.

To delete a stand-alone .idx file

For example, the following code deletes the stand-alone .idx index file Orddate.idx:

DELETE FILE orddate.idx

You could also use a utility, such as Windows Explorer, to delete an unneeded stand-alone .idx file.

See Also

Deleting an Index | Index Creation Based on Expressions | Working with Records | Table Designer | Creating One Index | Creating Multiple Indexes | Ordering by Multiple Fields | Index Creation for Tables