다음을 통해 공유

ActiveForm Property

References the active Form object in a form set or the _SCREEN object. Not available at design time; read-only at run time.

Object.ActiveForm.Property [ = Setting]

Property Values

  • Property
    Specifies any property of the active form contained in the form set; for example, the Caption property.
  • Setting
    The existing or new setting of the Property.
  • Method
    Specifies any method of the active form contained in the form set; for example, the Move method.


If the containing FormSet object is active, ActiveForm references the Form object that has the focus. If the containing FormSet object is not active, an error occurs.

Use the ActiveForm property to access the active Form object's properties and methods.

See Also

Activate Event | Deactivate Event

Applies To: Form Object | FormSet Object | _SCREEN