다음을 통해 공유

Working with Projects

A project is defined as a configuration and a group of files that produce a program or final binary file or files. In Visual FoxPro, you can manage a project using the Project Manager window, allowing you to visually see and manipulate items in your project. Projects make it easier and faster to develop large applications.

In This Section

  • Creating a Project
    Explains how to use the Project Manager to create a project and to organize and work with tables, forms, databases, reports, queries, and other files when you are managing tables and databases or creating an application.
  • Adding Files to a Project
    Explains how you easily add files to a project using the Application Wizard and/or Project Manager.
  • Structuring a Program as a Main File
    Describes how you can use a program file, which includes commands to handle the tasks associated with major application tasks, as the main file in your application.
  • Project Manager Hooks
    Describes actions that access a project programmatically so you can manipulate a project as an object.
  • Developing Visual FoxPro Applications
    Includes conceptual information about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications.
  • Application Planning
    Describes how careful planning saves time, effort, and money and how many of the decisions you make during the planning phase will impact how you create elements of the application.
  • Creating the Application
    Discusses how to create a Visual FoxPro application, which may include one or more databases, a main program that sets up the application's system environment, and a user interface comprised of forms, toolbars, and menus.
  • Creating Web Services and Components
    Describes how you can extend your Visual FoxPro application to make it work for multiple users, and to take advantage of Microsoft ActiveX controls and automation-enabled applications.
  • Enhancing Applications using SQL Pass-through Technology
    Describes how you can use SQL pass-through (SPT) technology to create objects on the server, run server stored procedures, and execute commands using native server syntax.
  • Working with Data
    Describes how to create effective applications with indexes, tables, and databases based on your data requirements.
  • Creating Help
    Describes how you can include Help files in your application to provide valuable information for users of your application.
  • Compiling an Application
    Describes how to use the modular approach to verify the functionality of each component you create and then compile them into an application, which assembles the executable components of your project.
  • Testing and Debugging Applications
    Explains that Visual FoxPro provides debugging tools to help you find and correct any errors you discover in your applications.
  • Distributing Applications
    Describes how to prepare to distribute your application by including all required files and creating distribution disks, after you have completed developing and testing your application.