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SYS(2700) - Enables Windows XP Themes

Enables or disables Windows XP Themes support in Visual FoxPro entirely.

SYS(2700 [, nValue ])


  • nValue
    Numeric data type. The following table lists the values for nValue.
    nValue Setting
    0 Disables Themes support.
    1 Enables Themes support. (Default)

Return Values

Numeric data type. SYS(2700) without arguments returns a value of 0 if Themes is not turned on or if you are running an older operating system that does not support Themes. SYS(2700) returns a value of 1 if Themes is turned on.


The behavior of calling SYS(2700) without any arguments to return the current setting differs from the _SCREEN system variable in that it always returns the state of Themes on the computer. Therefore, if you use SYS(2700,1) to turn on Themes for Visual FoxPro and disable Themes using the Display control panel in Windows, SYS(2700) returns a value of 0 whereas _SCREEN.Themes still returns True (.T.).

When you change Themes support using the SYS(2700) function, Visual FoxPro might not refresh the user interface automatically. However, when Themes is turned on, certain effects such as those that appear when moving the mouse over controls will work. Therefore, it is recommended that you set Themes support at the beginning of an application before the user interface is rendered.

Note   If you change Themes support while a form is running, you can call the form's Refresh method to redraw themed controls.

See Also

SYS( ) Functions Overview | _SCREEN System Variable | Refresh Method | Themes Property