다음을 통해 공유

Hiding a Form

You can hide a form so that it is not visible to a user. When the form is hidden, the user cannot interact with the form, but you still have full programmatic control of them.

To hide a form

  • Use the Hide method.

    For example, in the code associated with the Click event of a command button, you could include the following line of code:


When the user clicks the command button, the form remains in memory, but is not visible.

Releasing a Form

You can allow a user to release a form when he or she is finished interacting with it. When you release a form, you can no longer access properties and methods of the form.

To release a form

For example, in the code associated with the Click event of a command button, you could include the following line of code:


When the user clicks the command button, the form closes.

See Also

Example of Manipulating Objects | Creating Forms | Passing Parameters to a Form | Saving a Form as HTML | Managing Multiple Instances of a Form