다음을 통해 공유

Miscellaneous Tab, Query and View Designers

Specifies other record selection conditions for the query or view.

Note   It is possible to add multiple conflicting options by clicking the Cross tabulate, Report, and Label buttons multiple times. The Query Designer will attempt to warn you and provide the option to remove the previous command if it is the first conflict found. You should make sure that only the desired optional code appears in the query.

  • No duplicates
    Eliminates duplicate records from the query or view results. Duplicate records are records in which every field matches.

  • Force join
    Changes statement parsing or generation to support the FORCE option in the FROM clause, that is, to specify that tables are joined in the order in which they appear in the FROM clause. To enable the force join option, select Force join.

  • Top
    Selects a quantity or percentage of records from the result set. When specifying a number or percentage, use the Order By Tab, Query and View Designers to choose which records are at the top of the result set.

All Specifies that all of the records selected by the query or view should be included in the results set.

Number of records Sets a quantity of records of the selected records to include in the results set.

Percent Changes the number in the box above to a percentage of records.

  • Cross tabulate (Queries only)
    Sends the results of the query or view to Microsoft Graph, a report, or a table in cross-tabular format. You query must contain exactly three items that represent the X-axis, the Y-axis, and the cell value for the graph.

    Visual FoxPro inserts the following example code:

    * To execute the following command, result should have three columns.
    DO (_GENXTAB) WITH 'T2 t1'   

    Note   The INTO CURSOR clause is added only if the query does not already have such a clause.

    For example, you could generate a report that shows the amount billed to clients by month. You would create a graph that displays clients down the left side of the page, the twelve months across the top of the page, and, within the graph, the amount billed to each client each month.

  • Report (Queries only)
    Generates the appropriate REPORT FORM command and opens the Report dialog box that makes it possible for you to set report and certain option settings.

    Visual FoxPro inserts following example code:


    Note   The INTO CURSOR clause is added only if the query does not already have such a clause.

    Note   An existing REPORT command in the Query window is not parsed, and its settings are not reflected in the dialog box. You must re-enter the desired dialog box options. After clicking OK, you will be prompted to replace the existing command. You will be presented with this option only if the REPORT command is the first item after the query. If you insert any code before the REPORT command, a new REPORT command is placed immediately after the SQL statement.

  • Label (Queries only)
    Generates the appropriate LABEL FORM command and opens the Label dialog box that makes it possible for you to set label and certain option settings.

    Visual FoxPro inserts the following example code:


    Note   The INTO CURSOR clause is added only if the query does not already have such a clause.

    Note   An existing LABEL command in the Query window is not parsed, and its settings are not reflected in this dialog box. You must re-enter the desired dialog box options. After clicking OK, you will be prompted to replace the existing command. You will be presented with this option only if the LABEL command is the first item after the query. If you insert any code before the LABEL command, a new LABEL command is placed immediately after the SQL statement.

See Also

Fields Tab, Query and View Designers | Filter Tab, Query and View Designers | Group By Tab, Query and View Designers | Order By Tab, Query and View Designers | Query and View Designers | Report Dialog Box | Label Dialog Box