다음을 통해 공유

New Commands, Functions, and Classes

Visual FoxPro provides several new commands, functions, and system variables and properties. For details, see the following list and Language Reference in Help.

System Variables

Language element Description
_Codesense System Variable Contains the name of the application that creates IntelliSense functionality.
_FoxCode System Variable Contains the name of the FOXCODE table used for IntelliSense.
_FoxTask System Variable Contains the name of the FOXTASK table that supports Visual FoxPro Task Manager.
_INCSEEK System Variable Contains the value, nTicks, of the search duration for keystrokes in a list box.
_OBJECTBROWSER System Variable Contains the name of the object browser application.
_TASKLIST System Variable Contains the name of the Task Manager program.


Language element Description
ADLLS( ) Function Returns an array containing the names of the loaded DLLs.
ALANGUAGE( ) Function Returns an array containing names of Visual FoxPro commands, functions, base classes, and DBC events.
APROCINFO( ) Function Returns an array containing Visual FoxPro language elements contained in a program file.
ASESSIONS( ) Function Returns the number of data sessions.
ASTACKINFO( ) Function Returns an array that provides information about an object in the currently running program, application, or DLL.
ATAGINFO( ) Function Returns an array that contains information about the names, number, and types of indexes and key expressions.
COMPROP( ) Sets or returns property of a COM object.
CURSORTOXML( ) Function Converts a Visual FoxPro cursor into XML.
DISPLAYPATH( ) Function Truncates long path expressions to a specified length for display.
EDITSOURCE( ) Function Opens the Visual FoxPro editor and optionally positions the cursor. Required by Editor Shortcuts.
EVENTHANDLER( ) Function Binds a COM server event to implemented interface methods in an instantiated Visual FoxPro object.
EXECSCRIPT( ) Function Makes it possible for you to run multiple lines of code from variables, tables, and other text at run time.
GETINTERFACE( ) Function Provides access to object properties, methods, and events through early binding.
GETWORDCOUNT( ) Function Counts the words in a string.
GETWORDNUM( ) Function Returns a specified word from a string.
InputBox( ) Function Displays a modal dialog box used by a parameterized view for input of a single string.
QUARTER( ) Function Returns the quarter of the year in which a date or datetime expression occurs.
STREXTRACT( ) Function Retrieves a string between two delimiters.
SYS(602) - Bitmap Configuration Function Returns the current setting of BITMAP in the configuration file.
SYS(1104) - Purge Cached Memory Function Purges cached memory.
SYS(2030) - Debug Enables or disables debug features in system components.
SYS(2300) - Add or Remove Code Page Adds or removes a code page from the National Language Support (NLS) list.
SYS(2336) - Critical Section Support Function Controls access of critical section in Multi-threaded servers.
SYS(2339) - Call CoFreeUnusedLibraries when COM object is released Sets or returns whether Visual FoxPro calls the operating system function CoFreeUnusedLibraries when a COM object is released.
SYS(2340) - NT Service Support Function Disables or enables support for NT service.
SYS(2600)-Return Pointer As String Interprets an integer as pointer into memory and returns it as a string.
SYS(2800) – Accessibility Support Function Manages ActiveX Accessibility support and sets certain options to track the keyboard focus of the currently selected control in a Visual FoxPro form.
SYS(2801) - Event Tracking Support Function Extends event tracking to include mouse and keyboard events.
SYS(3095) – IDispatch Pointer Function Returns an IDispatch pointer for a COM object.
SYS(3097) - Add Reference to Object Function Adds a reference to a COM object.
SYS(3098) - Release Object Reference Function Releases a reference to a COM object.
TEXTMERGE( ) Function Provides evaluation of character expressions.
WDOCKABLE( ) Function Returns the dockable state of the specified window.
XMLTOCURSOR( ) Function Converts XML data to a Visual FoxPro cursor or table.
XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) Function Creates an XML UpdateGram from changes made to a buffered table or cursor.


Language element Description
EditorOptions Property This application object property specifies the Visual FoxPro Editor options to be enabled.
HighlightRowLineWidth Property Specifies the thickness of the border around the selected grid row.
HWnd Property Provides a handle to a Form or Toolbar object.
MouseEnter Event Enables a response to mouse movement into an object.
MouseLeave Event Enables a response to mouse movement out of an object.
LanguageOptions Property This application object property provides control of variable declarations in run-time code.
QueryNewFile Event Enables control over how new files are opened in a project.
RowColChange Property Identifies the type of change that caused the last row or column change in a grid.
ShowInTaskbar Property Specifies whether the top-level form object appears in the Windows taskbar at run time.
VisualEffect Property Supports SpecialEffect behaviors between controls.
VFPXMLProgID Property References a COM component for overriding functionality.

See Also

Visual FoxPro Language Enhancements | Enhanced Commands, Functions, and Classes | Language Reference