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New Keyboard Access and Control Shortcuts

Visual FoxPro provides the following new keyboard shortcut combinations:


To edit windows in Visual FoxPro you can use modifier keys to choose either cut-and-paste or copy-and-paste dragging.

Shortcut Action
CTRL+Drag Copies and pastes.
ALT+Drag (previous Visual FoxPro default) Cuts and pastes.
CTRL+J IntelliSense – activates list members
CTRL+I IntelliSense – show info
CTRL+J IntelliSense – list values
F3 Finds the next occurrence of the specified text
SHIFT+F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the specified text
CTRL+F3, CTRL+G Finds the next occurrence of the selected text
CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the selected text
CTRL+UPARROW Scrolls window down without moving cursor
CTRL+DOWNARROW Scrolls window up without moving cursor
CTRL+RIGHTARROW Enhances navigation in editor
CTRL+LEFTARROW Enhances navigation in editor
CTRL+F9 Enables or disables a breakpoint
F9 Inserts or removes a breakpoint
CTRL+B Brings up Breakpoints dialog box
F2 Moves to the line containing the next bookmark
SHIFT+F2 Moves to the line containing the previous bookmark
ALT+SHIFT+F2 Toggles a bookmark for the current line on and off
ALT+F2 Adds/Removes Task List shortcut
CTRL+SHIFT+U Makes the selection all uppercase
CTRL+U Makes the selection all lowercase
CTRL+BACKSPACE Deletes a word to the left

In Visual FoxPro, you can change the default DragDrop behavior by clicking DragDrop between words in the Editor tab of the Tools Options dialog box. Use ALT+Drag to toggle to the alternate setting — drag to within words or drag between words only.

Report Designer

Shortcut Action
CTRL+TAB Toggles designer to the Tab mode so the TAB key can be used to navigate between objects on the report.
TAB Tabs to the next object on the Report designer when in Tab mode.
SHIFT+TAB Tabs to the previous object on the Report designer when in Tab mode.
CTRL+E Places control in Edit mode when a Label control is selected on the Report designer. Use ESC key to go back to Select mode.

Form Designer and Class Designer

Shortcut Action
CTRL+E Runs the form in the Form Designer.
CTRL+SHIFT+Click on the control Drills down to a control in a container.
CTRL+Click on the container Drills down through the container.
Shortcut Action
Z Zooms in and out.
L Toggles between various zoom levels.
G Opens Goto page dialog box.
ESC Closes Print Preview window.
LEFTARROW Scrolls Print Preview window left.
RIGHTARROW Scrolls Print Preview window right.
UPARROW Scrolls Print Preview window up.
DOWNARROW Scrolls Print Preview window down.
PAGEDOWN Moves Print Preview window to next page.
PAGEUP Moves Print Preview window to previous page.
HOME Moves Print Preview window to first page.
END Moves Print Preview window to last page.

See Also

Keyboard Shortcuts