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Component Gallery Object Members

The Component Gallery is comprised of an interface, whose classes are contained in Vfpglry.vcx, and items that reference the following Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes.

Object Description Class library
About Dialog Provides a simple About dialog box for custom applications. _dialogs.vcx
ActiveX Calendar A calendar control that can be tied to a date field. _datetime.vcx
Array Handler Provides methods for handling array operations not performed by native product array functions. _utility.vcx
Cancel Button Releases a form and discards any outstanding buffered data. _miscbtns.vcx
Clock A simple clock control for a form or container. _datetime.vcx
Conflict Catcher A dialog box for resolution of row conflicts encountered while editing under optimistic buffering. _dataquery.vcx
Cookies Class A simple Web class for handling cookies between Web pages. _internet.vcx
Cross Tab Generates a cross tab. _utility.vcx
Data Edit Buttons A complete set of edit buttons (as used by Form Wizards). Wizbtns.vcx
Data Navigation Buttons A Top, Next, Prev, Bottom navigation button group and the DataChecker class to check for conflicts when moving records. _datanav.vcx
Data Navigation Object A nonvisual navigation object that other classes can use. _table.vcx
Data Session Manager Manages data sessions and handles data updates. _app.vcx
Data Validation Traps for data conflicts on buffered data. _datanav.vcx
DBF -> HTML Converts a Visual FoxPro cursor (.dbf) to HTML. _internet.vcx
Distinct Values Combo Performs a lookup of unique values from the controlsource field to populate a combo box. _dataquery.vcx
Error Object A generic error handler that works for both object and procedural code. _app.vcx
Field Mover A supermover list box that automatically loads fields from current data source. _movers.vcx
File Registry Provides a set of registry functions that return application-specific information. Registry.vcx
File Version Retrieves information from the version resource of a file. _utility.vcx
Filter Button Displays dialog to specify a data filter on a particular field. _table2.vcx
Filter Dialog A dialog that enables you to specify filter conditions on data. _table.vcx
Filter Expression Dialog Creates an advanced filter expression dialog. _table.vcx
Find (Findnext) Buttons A generic find/findnext buttonset. _table.vcx
Find Button Locates a record based on specific criteria. _table.vcx
Find Dialog A find dialog with simple options such as Field choice. _table.vcx
Find Files/Text Uses the Filer.DLL COM object to search for files. _utility.vcx
Find Object Creates a generic object that locates a record based on specified critereria. _table.vcx
Font Combobox A combo box that lists available fonts. It is also used by tbrEditing and rtfControls classes. _format.vcx
Fontsize Combobox A combo box that lists available font sizes. It is also used by tbrEditing and rtfControls classes. _format.vcx
Format Toolbar Provides a toolbar for applying font formatting to text of the active control. _format.vcx
FRX -> HTML Converts a Visual FoxPro reporting output (.frx) to HTML. _internet.vcx
GetFile and Directory Retrieves both a file and a folder name. _controls.vcx
Goto Dialog Button Creates a button that displays the Goto dialog box. _table2.vcx
Goto Dialog Creates a Goto record dialog box. _table.vcx
Graph By Record Object A navigation button group that allows you to refresh a new graph per record on the fly. _utility.vcx
Graph Object Generates a Graph using the core Graph Wizard engine. Autgraph.vcx
Help Button Displays the Help file as it starts searching for the specified HelpContextID. _miscbtns.vcx
Hyperlink Button Launches a Web browser from a button. _hyperlink.vcx
Hyperlink Image Launches a Web browser from an image. _hyperlink.vcx
Hyperlink Label Launches a Web browser from a label. _hyperlink.vcx
INI Access A set of registry functions that access old INI-style file settings. Registry.vcx
Item Locator This button brings up a dialog to locate a record. _dialogs.vcx
Keywords Dialog Creates a dialog like the Component Gallery keywords dialog. _dialogs.vcx
Launch Button Launches an application with an optional document. _miscbtns.vcx
Locate Button Displays a dialog to locate a record. _table2.vcx
Lookup Combobox Performs a lookup of values in a field to populate a combo box. _dataquery.vcx
Mail Merge Object Generates a Word Mail Merge using the core Mail Merge Wizard engine. Mailmerge.vcx
Messagebox Handler A simple wrapper around the MessageBox function. _dialogs.vcx
MouseOver Effects Highlights a control as the mouse passes over it. _ui.vcx
Mover Provides a simple mover list box class with move/remove buttons. _movers.vcx
Navigation Shortcut Menu A shortcut menu that can be dropped onto a form. _table2.vcx
Navigation Toolbar A set of navigation buttons in a toolbar. _table2.vcx
Object State Determines the state of an object and saves/restores the object property settings. _app.vcx
ODBC Registry A set of registry functions that return ODBC-specific information. Registry.vcx
Offline Switch Provides a view of online data for use offline. _dataquery.vcx
OK Button Performs a simple form release. _miscbtns.vcx
Output Control Displays a complex dialog box that prompts the user for a reporting output option. _reports.vcx
Output Dialog Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for a reporting output option. _reports.vcx
Output Object Various reporting output options. _reports.vcx
Password Dialog A simple Password dialog for custom applications. _dialogs.vcx
Pivot Table Generates a Microsoft Excel Pivot Table using the core PivotTable Wizard engine. Pivtable.vcx
Preview Report A generic button to run a report. _miscbtns.vcx
QBF Provides a buttonset for Query-By-Form querying. _dataquery.vcx
Registry Access Provides access to information in the Windows Registry. registry.vcx
Resize Object Causes form objects to resize/move with the Form's resize event. _controls.vcx
RTF Controls Provides a set of buttons for applying font formatting to text of the active control. _format.vcx
Run Form Button A button that runs a form. _miscbtns.vcx
SCX -> HTML Converts an .scx form to HTML. _internet.vcx
SendMail Buttons Uses the MAPI ActiveX Control to send a mail message from a form. _miscbtns.vcx
Shell Execute Provides Windows Explorer double-click behavior. _environ.vcx
Shortcut Menu Class This wrapper class dynamically creates shortcut pop-up menus. _menu.vcx
Simple Edit Buttons Provides simple Add, Edit, Delete, Duplicate, Save, and Cancel buttons (as used by Form Wizards). Wizbtns.vcx
Simple Navigation Buttons Provides a set of Next and Previous navigation buttons. _table.vcx
Simple Picture Navigation Buttons This is a set of simple picture navigation buttons. _table2.vcx
Sort Button Displays a dialog that enables you to perform an ascending or descending data sort on a particular field. _table2.vcx
Sort Dialog Enables you to perform an ascending or descending data sort on a particular field. _table2.vcx
Sort Mover This subclass of the supermover list box class automatically handles sorting of data. _movers.vcx
Sort Object Performs a sort on a data source. _table.vcx
Sort Selector Performs an ascending or descending sort based on the current control. _table2.vcx
Sound Player This class loads and plays a sound file. _multimedia.vcx
Splash Screen Provides a simple Splash Screen for custom applications. _dialogs.vcx
SQL Pass Through Provides SQL Pass Thru and can allow you to execute stored procedures on your host database. _dataquery.vcx
Stop Watch Provides a stop watch control for a form or container. _datetime.vcx
String Library Performs various string conversions. _utility.vcx
Super Mover Provides Move, Remove, Moveall, and Removeall buttons. _movers.vcx
System Toolbars A manager class that handles and tracks Systoolbars. _app.vcx
Table Mover This subclass of the supermover list box class automatically loads tables and fields from the current data source. _movers.vcx
Text Preview Provides a viewer of output text. _reports.vcx
Thermometer Provides a standard thermometer class. _controls.vcx
Trace Aware Timer This is an application utility that determines whether the trace window is open. _app.vcx
Type Library The main routine ExportTypeLib creates a text file with Typelib output. _utility.vcx
URL Combo Creates a combo box for typing in a Web URL. It launches Microsoft Internet Explorer and navigates to the site. _internet.vcx
URL Open Dialog Provides a dialog that creates a drop-down list that stores URL history. _internet.vcx
VCR Buttons A Top, Next, Prev, and Bottom navigation button group. _table.vcx
VCR Picture Navigation Buttons A set of VCR picture navigation buttons. _table2.vcx
Video Player Loads and plays a video file using MCI commands. _multimedia.vcx
Web Browser control A subclass of the Internet Explorer 4.0 Browser control, which provides hooks for Visual FoxPro code. _webview.vcx
Window Handler Performs several common window operations typical of applications. _ui.vcx

For full details on these class libraries, see the Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes topic in Help. You can get information on how to use the foundation classes in Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes in Help.

See Also

Customizing the Component Gallery | Development Productivity Tools | Starting with the Component Gallery | Component Gallery Class Library (Vpfgallery.vcx) | Component Gallery Table Structure