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DDESetOption( ) Function

Changes or returns dynamic data exchange (DDE) settings.

DDESetOption(cOption [, nTimeoutValue | lExpression])

Return Values

Logical or Numeric


  • cOption
    Specifies the setting options.
    cOption Setting Default Description
    TIMEOUT nTimeoutValue (number of milliseconds) 2000 The number of milliseconds DDE functions wait for the server application to respond; the current TIMEOUT value is returned if you omit nTimeoutValue.
    SAFETY lExpression(true (.T.) or false (.F.)) .T. Specifies whether a dialog is displayed when you use DDEInitiate( ) to establish a channel to a server application and the application doesn't respond; the current SAFETY setting is returned if you omit lExpression.
  • nTimeoutValue
    Specifies the timeout value.
  • lExpression
    Enables or disables dialog display.


Use DDESetOption( ) to change or return DDE settings. Two options, TIMEOUT and SAFETY, are available.

See Also

DDEAdvise( ) | DDEEnabled( ) | DDEExecute( ) | DDEInitiate( ) | DDEPoke( ) | DDERequest( ) | DDESetService( ) | DDETerminate( )