다음을 통해 공유

CLB Command

AC CLB provides the ability to update the CLB routing list on the controller of a Web/COM+ routing cluster. You can:

  • Set the CLB list on the cluster controller.

  • Add members to or remove members from the CLB routing list.

  • Load all the members of the cluster that a specified member is in to the CLB routing list for a specified cluster.

  • List all of the computers in a routing list.


            [/ROUTINGUSER:username /ROUTINGPASSWORD:*|pwd]

            [/ROUTINGUSER:username /ROUTINGPASSWORD:*|pwd]
            [/COMPLUSUSER:username /COMPLUSPASSWORD:*|pwd]

            [/ROUTINGUSER:username /ROUTINGPASSWORD:*|pwd]

            [/ROUTINGUSER:username /ROUTINGPASSWORD:*|pwd]

            [/ROUTINGUSER:username /ROUTINGPASSWORD:*|pwd]





Sets the CLB routing list on the controller of the cluster to which the routing member belongs. The routing list is updated with a list of members specified by /COMPLUSMEMBERS. No verification is performed in the list specified by /COMPLUSMEMBERS.


Lists all of the members contained in the CLB routing list.


Specifies the name of a member in the COM+ routing cluster. If not specified, routing_member is assumed to be the local computer.


Specifies the user name to use for credentials when authenticating on the routing cluster.


Specifies the password to use for credentials when authenticating on the routing cluster.


Specifies the COM+ application cluster members used in the CLB routing list.


Loads all the members of the cluster that /CLBMEMBER is in to the routing list for the cluster that /ROUTINGMEMBER is a member of.


Specifies a member of the COM+ application cluster.


Specifies the user name to use for credentials when authenticating on a COM+ application cluster.


Specifies the password to use for credentials when authenticating on the back-end COM+ application cluster.


Specifies that the clbmember should be added to the routing list on the controller of the cluster to which the routing member belongs.


Specifies that the clbmember should be removed from the CLB routing list on the controller of the cluster to which the routing member belongs.


The following example shows how you can retrieve a list of members contained in the CLB routing list. Additionally, the example shows how to provide a user name for authentication and request a prompt to enter a password:


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