다음을 통해 공유



이 API는 사용되지 않습니다.unordered_map 클래스를 대신 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.

Inserts an element or a range of elements into a hash_map.

pair <iterator, bool> insert(
    const value_type& _Val
iterator insert(
    const_iterator _Where,
    const value_type& _Val
template<class InputIterator>
    void insert(
        InputIterator _First,
        InputIterator _Last
template<class ValTy>
    pair <iterator, bool> insert(
        ValTy&& _Val
template<class ValTy>
    iterator insert(
        const_iterator _Where,
        ValTy&& _Val

매개 변수




The value of an element to be inserted into the hash_map unless the hash_map already contains that element (or, more generally, an element whose key is equivalently ordered).


정확한 지점으로 삽입에 대한 검색을 시작할 위치에 대한 힌트입니다.


The position of the first element to be copied from a hash_map.


The position just beyond the last element to be copied from a hash_map.

반환 값

The first insert member function returns a pair whose bool component returns true if an insertion was made and false if the hash_map already contained an element whose key had an equivalent value in the ordering, and whose iterator component returns the address where a new element was inserted or where the element was already located.

To access the iterator component of a pair pr returned by this member function, use pr.first, and to dereference it, use *(pr.first). To access the bool component of a pair pr returned by this member function, use pr.second, and to dereference it, use *(pr.second).

The second insert member function, the hint version, returns an iterator that points to the position where the new element was inserted into the hash_map.

The last two insert member functions behave the same as the first two, except that they move construct the inserted value.


요소의 값을 키 값과 같은 첫 번째 구성 요소와 요소의 데이터 값과 같은 두 번째 구성 요소를 사용하여 정렬된 된 쌍이 될 수 있도록 요소의 value_type 는 한 쌍으로 되어있습니다.

삽입 지점이 _Where 바로 뒤에 있는 경우, 삽입은 로그 시간 대신 힌트 버전을 위해 분할된 일정한 시간에 발생할 수 있습니다.

The third member function inserts the sequence of element values into a hash_map corresponding to each element addressed by an iterator of in the range [First, Last) of a specified set.


// hash_map_insert.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <string>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    using namespace stdext;
    hash_map<int, int>::iterator hm1_pIter, hm2_pIter;

    hash_map<int, int> hm1, hm2;
    typedef pair<int, int> Int_Pair;

    hm1.insert(Int_Pair(1, 10));
    hm1.insert(Int_Pair(2, 20));
    hm1.insert(Int_Pair(3, 30));
    hm1.insert(Int_Pair(4, 40));

    cout<< "The original elements (Key => Value) of hm1 are:";
    for (hm1_pIter = hm1.begin(); hm1_pIter != hm1.end(); hm1_pIter++)
        cout << endl << " " << hm1_pIter -> first << " => "
             << hm1_pIter->second;
    cout << endl;

    pair< hash_map<int,int>::iterator, bool > pr;
    pr = hm1.insert(Int_Pair(1, 10));

    if (pr.second == true)
        cout<< "The element 10 was inserted in hm1 successfully."
            << endl;
        cout<< "The element 10 already exists in hm1\n with a key value of"
            << "((pr.first) -> first)= "<<(pr.first)-> first
            << "."<< endl;

    // The hint version of insert
    hm1.insert(--hm1.end(), Int_Pair(5, 50));

    cout<< "After the insertions, the elements of hm1 are:";
    for (hm1_pIter = hm1.begin(); hm1_pIter != hm1.end(); hm1_pIter++)
        cout << endl << " " << hm1_pIter -> first << " => "
             << hm1_pIter->second;
    cout << endl;

    hm2.insert(Int_Pair(10, 100));

    // The templatized version inserting a range
    hm2.insert( ++hm1.begin(), --hm1.end() );

    cout<< "After the insertions, the elements of hm2 are:";
    for (hm2_pIter = hm2.begin(); hm2_pIter != hm2.end(); hm2_pIter++)
        cout << endl << " " << hm2_pIter -> first << " => "
             << hm2_pIter->second;
    cout << endl;

    // The templatized versions move constructing elements
    hash_map<int, string> hm3, hm4;
    pair<int, string> is1(1, "a"), is2(2, "b");

    cout << "After the move insertion, hm3 contains:" << endl
      << " " << hm3.begin()->first
      << " => " << hm3.begin()->second
      << endl;

    hm4.insert(hm4.begin(), move(is2));
    cout << "After the move insertion, hm4 contains:" << endl
      << " " << hm4.begin()->first
      << " => " << hm4.begin()->second
      << endl;

요구 사항

헤더: <hash_map>

네임스페이스: stdext

참고 항목


hash_map 클래스

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