취소 단추를 선택할 때이 멤버 함수는 프레임 워크에서 호출 됩니다.
virtual void OnCancel( );
취소 단추를 작업을 수행 하려면이 멤버 함수를 재정의 합니다. 변경 된 기본을 부정 합니다.
// Discard any selection the user made to this page. The object
// in the view will be painted with the initial color when the
// CPropertySheet dialog is first shown. CColorPage is a
// CPropertyPage-derived class.
void CColorPage::OnCancel()
// Reset the color saved in the document class. m_InitialColor
// is a member variable of CColorPage and it is the color shown
// in the view before CPropertySheet is shown.
// doc->m_Color is the color saved in the document class, and
// this is the color to be used by the view class.
CMDIFrameWnd* pFrame = (CMDIFrameWnd*) AfxGetMainWnd();
CMDIChildWnd* pChild = pFrame->MDIGetActive();
CPSheetDoc* doc = (CPSheetDoc*) pChild->GetActiveDocument();
doc->m_Color = m_InitialColor;
// Tell the view to paint with the initial color.
CView* view = pChild->GetActiveView();
// The default MFC implementation of OnReset() would call OnCancel().
void CColorPage::OnReset()
요구 사항
헤더: afxdlgs.h