다음을 통해 공유

ISecurityManagement Members

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Manages security for the Service Manager store.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ISecurityManagement type.

Public Methods

  Name Description
public method ApproveCredentialForDistribution Approves credentials for the distribution of a list of health services. If the health service is already approved, it will not be changed.
public method DeleteSecureData Deletes secured data from the Service Manager store.
public method DeleteSecureDataHealthServiceReference Deletes a secure data health service reference from the Service Manager store.
public method DeleteUserRole Deletes a user role from the Service Manager store.
public method DeleteUserRoles Deletes a list of user roles.
public method DeprovisionServer Removes the functionality from a server that allows it to handle secure data.
public method GetApprovedHealthServicesForDistribution Gets all approved health services that are based on the provided credentials.
public method GetClassesAccessibleForAuthoring Gets classes that are accessible to the current user for authoring.
public method GetImpliedUserRole Gets the inferred user role for a specific user role identifier that is based on how the role has been used in Service Manager.
public method GetProfile Gets a profile by identifier.
public method GetProfiles Gets a read-only list of all populated profile objects.
public method GetRecommendedHealthServices Gets a list of approved health services that are based on the credentials provided by the securedData parameter. These are the health services the credentials are authorized to work with.
public method GetSecureData Overloaded. Gets secured data from the Service Manager store.
public method GetSecureDataHealthServiceReference Gets a secure data health service reference by identifier.
public method GetSecureDataHealthServiceReferenceByHealthServiceId Gets all secure data health service references that are associated with the provided health service identifier.
public method GetSecureDataHealthServiceReferenceBySecureDataId Gets all secure data health service references that are associated with the provided secure data identifier.
public method GetSecureDataHealthServiceReferenceBySecureReferenceId Gets all secure data health service references that are associated with the provided secure reference identifier.
public method GetSecureDataHealthServiceReferences Gets all secure data health service references.
public method GetSecureReference Gets a secure reference by using an identifier.
public method GetSecureReferenceForActionAccount Gets the secure reference object for the default Service Manager account, the action account.
public method GetSecureReferences Overloaded. Gets secure references.
public method GetUserRole Gets a user role by using an identifier.
public method GetUserRoles Gets all users roles from the Service Manager store.
public method GetUserRolesForObject Gets all user role identifiers that have the base object as part of their scope.
public method GetUserRolesForOperationAndUser Gets a read-only list of user role identifiers that grant access to the operation and user.
public method InsertSecureData Adds secure data to the Service Manager store.
public method InsertSecureDataHealthServiceReference Adds a secure data health service reference to the Service Manager store.
public method InsertUserRole Adds a user role to the Service Manager store.
public method InsertUserRoles Adds multiple user roles to the Service Manager store.
public method IsUserActivityImplementer Indicates the user has the activity implementer role or not.
public method IsUserAdministrator Indicates the user has the administrator role or not.
public method IsUserAdvancedOperator Indicates the user has the advanced operator role or not.
public method IsUserAuthor Indicates the user has the author role or not.
public method IsUserChangeInitiator Indicates the user has the change initiator role or not.
public method IsUserChangeManager Indicates if the calling user is assigned in the user role.
public method IsUserEndUser Indicates the user has the end user role or not.
public method IsUserIncidentResolver Indicates the user has the incident resolver role or not.
public method IsUserInObjectScope Indicates if the user is assigned to the scopes provided.
public method IsUserInProfile Indicates if the current user is in the provided profile.
public method IsUserOperator Indicates the user has the operator role or not.
public method IsUserProblemAnalyst Indicates the user has the problem analyst role or not.
public method IsUserReadonlyOperator Indicates the user has the read-only operator role or not.
public method IsUserReleaseManager Checks if the calling user is a release manager.
public method IsUserReportOperator Indicates the user has the report operator role or not.
public method IsUserReportSecurityAdministrator Indicates the user has the report security administrator role or not.
public method IsUserReportUser Indicates the user has the report user role or not.
public method IsUserServiceRequestAnalyst Checks if the calling user is a service request analyst.
public method IsUserWorkflow Indicates the user has the workflow role or not.
public method IsValidUserRole Indicates if the role identifier is valid or not.
public method ProvisionServer Adds functionality to a server that allows it to handle secure data.
public method SetApprovedHealthServicesForDistribution Approves or denies credentials for distribution to health services.
public method UpdateProfiles Updates the supplied profiles.
public method UpdateUserRoles Updates the roles assigned to a user.


See Also


ISecurityManagement Interface
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement Namespace