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How to Create a MOF File for a Configuration Manager Custom Action

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

You define a custom task sequence action, its properties and its user interface controls by creating a managed object format (MOF) file to describe the class. The MOF file is then compiled by using Mofcomp.exe.

For more information about custom action MOF files, see About Configuration Manager Custom Action MOF Files.

The following procedure adds a class declaration for the custom action that you created in How to Create a Configuration Manager Custom Action Control.

For information about using the custom action, see About Configuration Manager Custom Action Client Applications.

To create a MOF file for a custom action

  1. In Notepad, create a new file.

  2. Add the following MOF code to the file.

    #pragma autorecover
    #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root")
    // SMS Root Storage
    instance of __Namespace
        Name = "SMS";
    #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\SMS")
    // Configuration Manager database name for this computer.
    instance of __Namespace
        Name = "site_REPLACESITECODE";
    #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\SMS\\site_REPLACESITECODE")
    #pragma classflags("forceupdate")
    [   CommandLine("smsswd.exe /run:%1 Application.exe /user:%2"),
        ActionCategory("My Custom Action Category,7,1"),
        ActionName{"ConfigMgrTSAction.dll", "ConfigMgrTSAction.Properties.Resources", "ConfigMgrTSAction"},
        ActionUI{"ConfigMgrTSAction.dll", "ConfigMgrTSAction","ConfigMgrTSActionControl", 
    class ConfigMgrTSActionControl : SMS_TaskSequence_Action
        [TaskSequencePackage, CommandLineArg(1)]
        string          PackageIDForApplicationExe;
        [Not_Null, CommandLineArg(2)]
        string          User;
        string          Location;
  3. Replace REPLACESITECODE with the site code for your Configuration Manager site.

  4. Choose a folder, and save the file as type All Files with the name CustomAction.mof.

  5. Open a Command Prompt window, navigate to the folder that you saved CustomAction.mof in, and enter the following:

    mofcomp CustomAction.mof
  6. Press ENTER to compile the CustomAction.mof.

  7. Confirm that the class has been added in CIM Studio. The class should be listed as a child class of SMS_TaskSequence_Action.

  8. Complete How to Use a Configuration Manager Custom Action Control.

See Also


About Configuration Manager Custom Actions
About Configuration Manager Custom Action MOF Files
Extending Operating System Deployment
How to Create a Configuration Manager Custom Action Control
About Configuration Manager Custom Action Client Applications