다음을 통해 공유

General Configuration Item Example 1

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The following example is a general configuration item schema example that checks the registry to see whether, in this case, remote control is enabled in Configuration Manager 2007.

General Configuration Item Schema Reference


General Configuration Item Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

The root element for any DCM Digest document is the DesiredConfigurationDigest element referenced below.  All of the XML elements/attributes are defined in the DCM Digest schema definition namespace.

<DesiredConfigurationDigest xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/SystemsCenterConfigurationManager/2006/03/24/DesiredConfiguration">

Every DCM Digest must contain exactly one configuration item. Specifically one of the following: an application, operatingsystem, general or baseline.
This digest defines a general configuration item.  
Note:  The term general configuration item has replaced business policy configuration item in recent desired configuration management documentation.  The terms refer to the same type of configuration item.

The unique identify of the configuration item is the combination of the attributes AuthoringScopeID, LogicalName and Version. 
Each attribute is part of the unique identity of the configuration item; the actual identity is AuthoringScopeID + LogicalName + Version.

AuthoringScopeID (string) - This attribute corresponds to the author’s namespace or identity.
LogicalName (string) - This attribute identifies the configuration item within the authoring scope.
Version (string) - This attribute specifies the version of the configuration item.

    <BusinessPolicy AuthoringScopeId="ScopeId_F348CC96-19CA-4F5D-9D4F-D1451B5BEB1E" LogicalName="BusinessPolicy_de5ad8df-1600-4984-91ab-7e33e0e7670b" Version="1">
            <DisplayName Text="Remote Control Is Enabled" />
            <Description Text="This General CI detects whether remote control is enabled by examining the registry and asserting that the expected value is set (the expected value being 1)." />

There are no parts defined for this configuration item.
Parts are physical things with fixed lists of properties.Mandatory element tag for the section of the DCM Digest used to define Object parts, including:
Assembly (registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC))

            <ParentReferences />

There are no settings defined for this configuration item. 
Settings are configurable name/value pairs which influence the behavior of hardware and software. DCM can discover settings using any of the supported providers, including:
WMI (WQL query)
Microsoft SQL Server (SQL query)
Active Directory (LDAP)
XML (XPath query)
IIS Metabase
Script (JScript/VBScript/Powershell)


RootComplexSetting is the root container for all settings. Every configuration item has one of these, even if there are no actual settings defined.

A simple setting. 

                <SimpleSetting LogicalName="RegSetting_60d3f52e-5afa-4864-bbcf-83953c806275" DataType="String">
                        <DisplayName Text="Remote control registry value" ResourceId="ID-29d49a44-436a-4dbe-bc15-0db78557a4a6" />
                        <Description Text="Contains the value obtained from the remote control registry key." ResourceId="ID-bfe89599-45fc-4413-8a17-5fea1ced7bea" />

Optional element. We raise a warning if the source for this setting does not exist. If so, we include the element and specify the severity of the error. Otherwise, we don't use the element.

                    <ExistentialRule Severity="Warning" />

The source of the setting's value. In this case, we're looking for a particular value from the registry.

                    <RegistryDiscoverySource Hive="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Depth="Subtree" Is64Bit="false">

Rules defined against the value of the setting.

                        <Rule LogicalName="Rule_2cb3bef9-e262-4e05-9063-6f344bcbe985" Operation="Equals" OperandA="'1'" OperandB="''" Severity="Warning">
                                <DisplayName Text="Remote control is enabled" ResourceId="ID-4a2e92cf-cd1f-4f0f-a4c2-1022a1dc9539" />
                                <Description Text="This checks the registry setting HLKM\software\microsoft\sms\client\clientcomponents\remotecontrol\enabled registry value to identify whether it is enabled (set to "1")." ResourceId="ID-9383e7a1-b4b6-4dd9-b063-48c39ffbc466" />

See Also


Authoring Desired Configuration Management Configuration Baselines and Configuration Items