다음을 통해 공유

ICCMTargetedUpdate Interface

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Configuration Manager 2007, the ICCMTargetedUpdate interface represents a targeted software update, which is a deployed update in a collection, represented by ICCMUpdatesCollection Interface. ICCMTargetedUpdate inherits from IDispatch.

In This Section

Term Definition

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetArticleId Method

Gets the software update knowledge base article ID.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetBulletinId Method

Gets the software update bulletin ID.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetDownloadSize Method

Gets the download size of the update content.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetEnforcementDeadline Method

Gets the software update enforcement deadline.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetExclusiveUpdateOption Method

Gets the software update exclusive update option value that indicates whether the update should be installed independently.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetId Method

Gets the software update ID.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetInfoLink Method

Gets the software update information link.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetManufacturer Method

Gets the software update manufacturer.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetName Method

Gets the software update name.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetNotificationOption Method

Gets the software update notification value.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetProgress Method

Gets the software update installation progress.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetRebootDeadline Method

Gets the software update reboot deadline.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetState Method

Gets the software update presence state.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetSummary Method

Gets the software update summary.


The caller retrieves an ICCMTargetedUpdate object by using the ICCMUpdatesCollection::GetUpdate Method. For an example of the use of this class, see How to Enumerate Software Updates.


The UUID for ICCMTargetedUpdate is 35EFB665-4089-45cf-AD75-E60739B38E6F.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Development Requirements.

See Also


Software Updates Client COM Automation Classes
ICCMUpdatesCollection::GetUpdate Method
How to Enumerate Software Updates