다음을 통해 공유

ManagementClassPropertyDescription Members

Represents summary information for a property of a single ManagementClassDescription object, in Configuration Manager 2007, indicated by a ManagementClassPropertyDescription XML element.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ManagementClassPropertyDescription type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  ManagementClassPropertyDescription Initializes a new instance of ManagementClassPropertyDescription.


Public Fields

  Name Description
public field aliasResourceAssembly Indicates an AssemblyDescription object that represents the resource assembly for the management class property alias.
public field externalAssembly Indicates an AssemblyDescription object that represents the external assembly for the management class property.
public field externalSortMethodAssembly Indicates an AssemblyDescription object that represents the external sort method assembly for the management class property.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ArrayProperty Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the property has an array value.
public property BooleanProperty Gets or sets a value that indicates if the property has a Boolean value.
public property ColumnWidth Gets or sets the width of the header column that is used to display text to the user. The text is the name of the property or the name of a resource in the resource assembly.
public property DisplayArraySorted Gets or sets a value that indicates whether array elements are sorted alphabetically for display.
public property DisplayedDataType Gets or sets the data type for the value of the property.
public property DisplayFormat Gets or sets a replacement string format for concatenating multiple properties to build the display string.
public property IsSearchable Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the property can be used in a search query.
public property PropertyName Gets or sets the name of the property, used as an index into the resource to retrieve the localized name.
public property PropertyNames1 Gets the first set of property names that are used to calculate column values that are based on the value of the DisplayedDataType property.
public property PropertyNames2 Gets the second set of property names that are used to calculate column values that are based on the value of the DisplayedDataType property.
public property PropertyOperand Gets or sets the operation to perform on the sum of the values of PropertyNames1 and PropertyNames2.
public property SearchFolderListItemsDisplayPropertyName Gets or sets the name of the search folder list items display property. The name is displayed to the user in the search folder criteria dialog box.
public property SearchFolderListItemsQuery Gets or sets the search folder list items query that is executed to build the list of items that are displayed in the search folder chooser dialog box.
public property SearchFolderListItemsQueryClassName Gets or sets the name of the search folder list items query class.
public property SearchFolderListItemsSearchPropertyName Gets or sets the name of the search folder list items search property. The value of this property, obtained from the selected items in the query results, is the value that is searched during search folder operation.
public property SearchFolderWhereClauseProperty Gets or sets the name of the search folder WHERE clause property that is placed into the search criteria for the search folder results.
public property SearchFolderWhereClausePropertyPrefix Gets or sets the search folder WHERE clause property prefix.
public property TreatAsTypeForSearch Gets or sets the treat as type for search value that is used by search functionality to sort items properly during a search without using the actual data types.
public property TreatAsTypeForSort Gets or sets the treat as type for sort value that is used by sorting functionality to sort items properly without using the actual data types.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
public method ShouldSerializealiasResourceAssembly Determines whether the aliasResourceAssembly field should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeBooleanProperty Determines whether the BooleanProperty property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeDisplayFormat Determines whether the DisplayFormat property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeexternalAssembly Determines whether the externalAssembly field should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeexternalSortMethodAssembly Determines whether the externalSortMethodAssembly field should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializePropertyName Determines whether the PropertyName property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializePropertyNames1 Determines whether the PropertyNames1 property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializePropertyNames2 Determines whether the PropertyNames2 property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeSearchFolderListItemsDisplayPropertyName Determines whether the SearchFolderListItemsDisplayPropertyName property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeSearchFolderListItemsQuery Determines whether the SearchFolderListItemsQuery property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeSearchFolderListItemsQueryClassName Determines whether the SearchFolderListItemsQueryClassName property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeSearchFolderListItemsSearchPropertyName Determines whether the SearchFolderListItemsSearchPropertyName property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeSearchFolderWhereClauseProperty Determines whether the SearchFolderWhereClauseProperty property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeSearchFolderWhereClausePropertyPrefix Determines whether the SearchFolderWhereClausePropertyPrefix property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeTreatAsTypeForSearch Determines whether the TreatAsTypeForSearch property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ShouldSerializeTreatAsTypeForSort Determines whether the TreatAsTypeForSort property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


ManagementClassPropertyDescription Class
Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.Schema Namespace
ManagementClassDescription Class

Other Resources

SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class