BackPressureException |
The exception that is thrown when the PipelineComponent.IsInputReady and PipelineComponent.GetDependentInputs methods that handle back pressure in the data flow encounter an unexpected error. |
BlobColumn |
Defines a column in a data flow buffer that contains data that has a SQL Server data type of text, ntext, or image. |
BufferDisconnectedException |
The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a PipelineBuffer object fails. |
BufferNotFoundException |
The exception that is thrown when a PipelineBuffer is not found. |
CannotCreatePipelineComponentException |
The exception that is thrown when the data flow cannot create an instance of a Script component. |
CannotCreateUserComponentException |
Exception thrown when the Script component cannot instantiate the class that contains the custom code that the developer creates in the Script component. The class is named ScriptMain by default. |
ColumnIndexOutOfRangeException |
The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a buffer column by using an index is outside the bounds of the collection of buffer columns. |
ColumnIsNullException |
The exception that is thrown when using a specific data type column access method and the column value is null. |
ComponentUpgradeFailedException |
The exception that is thrown when the PerformUpgrade method of a component fails. |
ComponentVersionMismatchException |
The exception that is thrown when the component version stored in the package XML is higher than the version of the component installed on the current computer. |
DoesNotFitBufferException |
The exception that is thrown when a value that is too large to fit in the data area of a BufferColumn is written to the buffer. |
DtsPipelineComponentAttribute |
Contains design-time information about a PipelineComponent object. |
InputIDToNameMap |
Represents the input ID to name map. |
InputNotFoundException |
The exception that is thrown when the Script Component is unable to find an IDTSInput100 object defined internally by the component. |
ManagedComponentHost |
인프라입니다. Represents the host for the DTS managed component. |
NoCurrentRowException |
The exception that is thrown when the address of the beginning of a PipelineBuffer row is null. |
NotOutputBufferException |
The exception that is thrown when a method that is restricted to Output objects is called on an InputPipelineBuffer. |
OutputNameMap |
Represents the output name map. |
OutputNotFoundException |
The exception that is thrown by the ScriptComponent when an IDTSOutput100 cannot be found in its IDTSOutputColumnCollection100. |
PipelineBuffer |
Provides an in-memory data store containing rows and columns of data. |
PipelineComponent |
Defines the base class that is used when developing managed data flow components. |
PipelineComponentHResultException |
Exception raised by the Script component when it encounters a COM exception. |
ReadOnlyVariablesNotAvailableException |
Exception raised by the Script component when the ReadOnlyVariables collection is not available. |
ReadWriteVariablesNotAvailableException |
Exception raised by the Script component when the ReadWriteVariables collection is not available. |
RowIndexOutOfRangeException |
The exception that is thrown when an invalid index is supplied when accessing a row in a PipelineBuffer. |
ScriptBuffer |
Serves as the base class for the read-only classes representing the input and the outputs that are generated by the Script component in the BufferWrapper project item in a Script component project. |
ScriptComponent |
Serves as the base class for the read-only UserComponent class generated by the Script component in the ComponentWrapper project item in a Script component project. |
ScriptComponent.ScriptComponentEvalContext |
Represents the script components evaluator context. |
ScriptComponentHost |
인프라입니다. Represents the host for the script component. |
ScriptingLanguageNotFoundException |
The exception that is thrown by the Script component when the scripting language is not found. |
SSISScriptComponentEntryPointAttribute |
인프라입니다. Represents the SSIS script component entry point attribute. |
UnsupportedBufferDataTypeException |
The exception that is thrown when assigning a value to a buffer column that contains the incorrect data type. |
UnsupportedDataRecordTypeException |
The exception that is thrown when an unsupported parameter value is passed to the DataRecordTypeToBufferType method. |
UnsupportedValueTypeForTextStreamColumnException |
The exception that is thrown when the type of the value that is being assigned to a column in a PipelineBuffer is not a string or byte array. |
VSTAComponentScriptingEngine |
인프라입니다. Represents the VSTA component scripting engine. |