.gif) |
Action |
Contains a hyperlink, bookmark link or drillthrough action associated with a report item. |
.gif) |
ActionCollection |
Represents a collection of Action objects. |
.gif) |
ActionDrillthrough |
Represents a drillthrough action. |
.gif) |
ActionDrillthroughInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ActionDrillthrough class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ActionDrillthrough. |
.gif) |
ActionInfo |
Contains a list of actions and action style associated with a report item. |
.gif) |
ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMap |
A collection of actions with associated image map areas for use in Custom Report Items. |
.gif) |
ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMapCollection |
Represents a collection of ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMap objects. |
.gif) |
ActionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Action class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Action. |
.gif) |
BackFrame |
Represents the frame and frame background for a gauge or gauge panel. |
.gif) |
BackFrameInstance |
Represents an instance type of the BackFrame class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in BackFrame. |
.gif) |
BackgroundImage |
Represents a background image in the report definition. |
.gif) |
BackgroundImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the BackgroundImage class and contains the calculated values of the properties in BackgroundImage. |
.gif) |
BandLayoutOptions |
Represents the specific layout options to use when the Tablix is rendered on the canvas. |
.gif) |
BaseGaugeImage |
Represents an image that is displayed as a part of a gauge. |
.gif) |
BaseGaugeImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the BaseGaugeImage class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in BaseGaugeImage. |
.gif) |
BaseInstance |
Represents the base class of all instance types. |
.gif) |
Body |
Defines the visual elements of the body of the report, how the data is structured/grouped and binds the visual elements to the data for the report. |
.gif) |
BodyInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Body class and contains the calculated values of the properties in Body. |
.gif) |
Border |
Represents the default border properties for the object. |
.gif) |
BorderInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Border class and contains the calculated values of the properties in Border. |
.gif) |
CapImage |
Represents an image to be used for a pointer cap in a radial gauge. |
.gif) |
CapImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the CapImage class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in CapImage. |
.gif) |
CellContents |
Represents the contents of a cell in the TablixBody, TablixHeader, or TablixCorner. |
.gif) |
Chart |
Represents a set of chart areas to be drawn as a single data visualization data region. The chart is defined much like a tablix, but instead of columns, rows, and cells, the chart has categories, series, and data points. |
.gif) |
ChartAlignType |
Defines which aspects of the chart area should be aligned with the target chart area. |
.gif) |
ChartAlignTypeInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartAlignType class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartAlignType. |
.gif) |
ChartArea |
Represents a chart area to be drawn within a chart data region. |
.gif) |
ChartAreaCollection |
Represents a collection of ChareArea objects. |
.gif) |
ChartAreaInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartArea class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartArea. |
.gif) |
ChartAxis |
Represents the properties for labels, titles and gridlines along an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisCollection |
Represents a collection of ChareAxis objects. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartAxis class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartAxis. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisScaleBreak |
Contains the scale break properties of an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisScaleBreakInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartAxisScaleBreak class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartAxisScaleBreak. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisTitle |
Represents the title of an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisTitleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartAxisTitle class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartAxisTitle. |
.gif) |
ChartBorderSkin |
Represents the appearance of the border skin around the plot area. |
.gif) |
ChartBorderSkinInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartBorderSkin class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartBorderSkin. |
.gif) |
ChartCustomPaletteColor |
Represents a custom palette color in a ChartCustomPaletteColorCollection. |
.gif) |
ChartCustomPaletteColorCollection |
Represents a collection of ChareCustomPaletteColor objects. |
.gif) |
ChartCustomPaletteColorInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartCustomPaletteColor class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartCustomPaletteColor. |
.gif) |
ChartData |
Represents the segmentation of the data into multiple series. |
.gif) |
ChartDataLabel |
Represents the data labels to display on data points. |
.gif) |
ChartDataLabelInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartDataLabel class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartDataLabel. |
.gif) |
ChartDataPoint |
Represents a data point for the chart. A data point can consist of a single value expression (for example in bar or line charts) or multiple value expressions (stock and bubble charts). |
.gif) |
ChartDataPointInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartDataPoint class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartDataPoint. |
.gif) |
ChartDataPointValues |
Contains a set of data values for a data point in the chart. |
.gif) |
ChartDataPointValuesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartDataPointValues class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartDataPointValues. |
.gif) |
ChartDerivedSeries |
Represents a derived series which is calculated from a formula applied to another series. |
.gif) |
ChartDerivedSeriesCollection |
Represents a collection of ChareDerivedSeries objects. |
.gif) |
ChartDynamicMemberInstance |
Represents a dynamic instance of a ChartMember object. |
.gif) |
ChartElementPosition |
Represents the position in which to draw a chart element. |
.gif) |
ChartElementPositionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartElementPosition class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartElementPosition. |
.gif) |
ChartEmptyPoints |
Represents the behavior for empty points in a series. |
.gif) |
ChartEmptyPointsInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartEmptyPoints class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartEmptyPoints. |
.gif) |
ChartFormulaParameter |
Represents a parameter to a formula for a derived series. |
.gif) |
ChartFormulaParameterCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartFormulaParameter objects. |
.gif) |
ChartFormulaParameterInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartFormulaParameter class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartFormulaParameter. |
.gif) |
ChartGridLines |
Represents the gridlines along an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartGridLinesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartGridLines class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartGridLines. |
.gif) |
ChartHierarchy |
Represents a hierarchy of members for the chart. |
.gif) |
ChartInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Chart class and contains the calculated values of the properties in Chart. |
.gif) |
ChartItemInLegend |
Represents the behavior for a series or set of data points displayed in a legend. |
.gif) |
ChartItemInLegendInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartItemInLegend class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartItemInLegend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegend |
Represents the properties that can be used to display instances of the series groups in a chart legend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartLegend objects. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendColumn |
인프라입니다. Represents a chart legend column. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendColumnCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartLegendColumn objects. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendColumnHeader |
인프라입니다. Represents a column header in a chart legend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendColumnHeaderInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartLegendColumnHeader class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartLegendColumnHeader. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendColumnInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartLegendColumn class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartLegendColumn. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItem |
인프라입니다. Represents a custom legend item in a chart. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItemCell |
인프라입니다. Represents a cell in the custom legend item. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItemCellCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartLegendCustomItemCell objects. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItemCellInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartLegendCustomItemCell class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartLegendCustomItemCell. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItemCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartLegendCustomItem objects. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItemInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartLegendCustomItem class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartLegendCustomItem. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartLegend class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartLegend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendTitle |
Represents a title for a legend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendTitleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartLegendTitle class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartLegendTitle. |
.gif) |
ChartMarker |
Represents a marker for displayed chart values. |
.gif) |
ChartMarkerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartMarker class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartMarker. |
.gif) |
ChartMember |
Represents a category or series member for a chart. |
.gif) |
ChartMemberCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartMember objects. |
.gif) |
ChartMemberInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartMember class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartMember. |
.gif) |
ChartNoMoveDirections |
Defines which directions a smart label is not allowed to move. |
.gif) |
ChartNoMoveDirectionsInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartNoMoveDirections class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartNoMoveDirections. |
.gif) |
ChartObjectCollectionBase<T, U> |
Represents the base class for a collection of chart objects. |
.gif) |
ChartObjectCollectionItem<T> |
Represents the base class for an item in a ChartObjectCollectionBase. |
.gif) |
ChartSeries |
Represents the list of data points for one series. |
.gif) |
ChartSeriesCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartSeries objects. |
.gif) |
ChartSeriesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartSeries class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartSeries. |
.gif) |
ChartSmartLabel |
Defines the behavior of smart labels. |
.gif) |
ChartSmartLabelInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartSmartLabel class and contains the calculated values of the properties in the ChartSmartLabel. |
.gif) |
ChartStripLine |
Represents a custom strip line for an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartStripLineCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartStripLine objects. |
.gif) |
ChartStripLineInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartStripLine class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartStripLine. |
.gif) |
ChartThreeDProperties |
Contains the properties for 3-D layout. |
.gif) |
ChartThreeDPropertiesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartThreeDProperties class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartThreeDProperties. |
.gif) |
ChartTickMarks |
Represents tick marks along an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartTickMarksInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartTickMarks class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartTickMarks. |
.gif) |
ChartTitle |
Represents a title for the chart. |
.gif) |
ChartTitleCollection |
Represents a collection of ChartTitle objects. |
.gif) |
ChartTitleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ChartTitle class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ChartTitle. |
.gif) |
CompiledGaugeInputValueInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeInputValue class, and contains the parsed values of the properties in GaugeInputValue. |
.gif) |
CompiledGaugePointerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugePointer class, and contains the parsed values of the properties in GaugePointer. |
.gif) |
CompiledParagraphInstance |
Represents a compiled paragraph instance generated from parsing HTML in a text run. |
.gif) |
CompiledParagraphInstanceCollection |
Represents a collection of CompiledParagraphInstance objects. |
.gif) |
CompiledRichTextInstance |
Represents a compiled paragraph instance generated from parsing HTML in a text run. |
.gif) |
CompiledTextRunInstance |
Represents a compiled text run instance generated from parsing HTML in a text run. |
.gif) |
CompiledTextRunInstanceCollection |
Represents a collection of CompiledTextRunInstance objects. |
.gif) |
Coverflow |
Represents a band navigation style in which a flow of images is integrated the navigation of the tablix band. |
.gif) |
CustomData |
Represents the data to be handed to a custom report item and the way that data should be grouped, sorted, filtered and aggregated. |
.gif) |
CustomLabel |
Represents a custom label for a scale. |
.gif) |
CustomLabelCollection |
Represents a collection of CustomLabel objects. |
.gif) |
CustomLabelInstance |
Represents an instance type of the CustomLabel class and contains the calculated values of the properties in CustomLabel. |
.gif) |
CustomProperty |
The contents of CustomProperty is passed through to rendering and custom report item components. |
.gif) |
CustomPropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of CustomProperty objects. |
.gif) |
CustomPropertyInstance |
Represents an instance type of the CustomProperty class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in CustomProperty. |
.gif) |
CustomReportItem |
Represents a report item that is not natively defined in RDL. Extended information about the custom report item is placed within the CustomProperties property. Tools and servers that do not support the type use the [Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.CustomReportItem.AltReportItem] property instead. |
.gif) |
CustomReportItemInstance |
Represents an instance type of the CustomReportItem class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in CustomReportItem. |
.gif) |
DataCell |
Defines the list of data values to pass to the custom report item for a specific combination of leaf-node groups in CustomData. |
.gif) |
DataCellInstance |
Represents an instance type of the DataCell class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in DataCell. |
.gif) |
DataDynamicMemberInstance |
Represents a dynamic instance of a DataMember object. |
.gif) |
DataHierarchy |
Represents a hierarchy of data members. |
.gif) |
DataMember |
Represents the base class for a member in a data hierarchy. |
.gif) |
DataMemberCollection |
Represents a collection of DataMember objects. |
.gif) |
DataMemberInstance |
Represents an instance type of the DataMember class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in DataMember. |
.gif) |
DataRegion |
Represents the base class for a data region, such as Tablix. |
.gif) |
DataRegionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the DataRegion class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in DataRegion. |
.gif) |
DataRegionMember |
Represents the base class for a member in a data region's hierarchy. |
.gif) |
DataRegionMemberCollection<T> |
Represents the base class for all data region member collections. |
.gif) |
DataRow |
Represents a data row. |
.gif) |
DataRowCollection |
Represents a collection of DataRow objects. |
.gif) |
DataValue |
Defines a single value for the data point in the chart. |
.gif) |
DataValueCollection |
Represents a collection of DataValue objects. |
.gif) |
DataValueInstance |
Represents an instance type of the DataValue class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in DataValue. |
.gif) |
DocumentMap |
Provides a depth-first, on demand traversal of a report's document map. |
.gif) |
DocumentMapNode |
A node in the document map. |
.gif) |
DynamicImageInstance |
Represents a dynamic instance of a Image object. |
.gif) |
FrameBackground |
Represents the background of the frame for a gauge or gauge panel. |
.gif) |
FrameBackgroundInstance |
Represents an instance type of the FrameBackground class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in FrameBackground. |
.gif) |
FrameImage |
Represents an image to be used for the frame background of a gauge or gauge panel. |
.gif) |
FrameImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the FrameImage class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in FrameImage. |
.gif) |
Gauge |
Represents a gauge to be drawn within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
GaugeCell |
Represents a gauge cell. |
.gif) |
GaugeCellInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeCell class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeCell. |
.gif) |
GaugeDynamicMemberInstance |
Represents a dynamic instance of a GaugeMember object. |
.gif) |
GaugeImage |
인프라입니다. Represents a gauge image. |
.gif) |
GaugeImageCollection |
Represents a collection of GaugeImage objects. |
.gif) |
GaugeImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeImage class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeImage. |
.gif) |
GaugeInputValue |
Represents an expression and optional formula used in a gauge. |
.gif) |
GaugeInputValueInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeInputValue class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeInputValue. |
.gif) |
GaugeInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Gauge class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Gauge. |
.gif) |
GaugeLabel |
Represents a label to display within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
GaugeLabelCollection |
Represents a collection of GaugeLabel objects. |
.gif) |
GaugeLabelInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeLabel class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeLabel. |
.gif) |
GaugeMember |
Represents group, sort and filter behavior for the data. |
.gif) |
GaugeMemberCollection |
Represents a collection of GaugeMember objects. |
.gif) |
GaugeMemberInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeMember class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeMember. |
.gif) |
GaugePanel |
Represents a gauge panel for data point or set of data points. |
.gif) |
GaugePanelInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugePanel class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugePanel. |
.gif) |
GaugePanelItem |
Represents an item (gauge, image, label) to be drawn within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
GaugePanelItemInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugePanelItem class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugePanelItem. |
.gif) |
GaugePanelObjectCollectionBase<T> |
Represents the base class for all gauge panel object collections. |
.gif) |
GaugePanelObjectCollectionItem |
Represents an item in a collection of gauge panel objects. |
.gif) |
GaugePointer |
Represents a pointer to be drawn against a scale. |
.gif) |
GaugePointerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugePointer class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugePointer. |
.gif) |
GaugeRow |
인프라입니다. Represe4nts the gauge row. |
.gif) |
GaugeRowCollection |
Represents a collection of StateIndicator objects. |
.gif) |
GaugeScale |
Represents a scale to be drawn within a gauge. |
.gif) |
GaugeScaleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeScale class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeScale. |
.gif) |
GaugeTickMarks |
Represents major tick marks along a scale. |
.gif) |
GaugeTickMarksInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeTickMarks class and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeTickMarks. |
.gif) |
Group |
Represents a data group. |
.gif) |
GroupExpressionCollection |
Represents a collection of GroupExpressionCollection objects. |
.gif) |
GroupExpressionValueCollection |
Represents a collection of GroupExpressionValue objects. |
.gif) |
GroupInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Group class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Group. |
.gif) |
Image |
Represents an image. |
.gif) |
ImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Image class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Image. |
.gif) |
ImageMapArea |
Represents an image map area. |
.gif) |
ImageMapAreaInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ImageMapArea class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ImageMapArea. |
.gif) |
ImageMapAreaInstanceCollection |
Represents a collection of ImageMapAreaInstance objects. |
.gif) |
IndicatorImage |
Represents properties of a state indicator image. |
.gif) |
IndicatorImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the GaugeLabel class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in GaugeLabel. |
.gif) |
IndicatorState |
Represents a set of state information in the state indicator. |
.gif) |
IndicatorStateCollection |
Represents a collection of IndicatorStateCollection objects. |
.gif) |
IndicatorStateInstance |
Represents an instance type of the IndicatorState class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in IndicatorState. |
.gif) |
LabelData |
Represents the dataset used to populate the data for the slider labels. |
.gif) |
Line |
Represents a line report item. |
.gif) |
LinearGauge |
Represents a linear gauge to be drawn within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
LinearGaugeCollection |
Represents a collection of LinearGauge objects. |
.gif) |
LinearGaugeInstance |
Represents an instance type of the LinearGauge class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in LinearGauge. |
.gif) |
LinearPointer |
Represents a linear pointer to be drawn against a linear scale. |
.gif) |
LinearPointerCollection |
Represents a collection of LinearPointer objects. |
.gif) |
LinearPointerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the LinearPointer class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in LinearPointer. |
.gif) |
LinearScale |
Represents a linear scale to be drawn within a linear gauge. |
.gif) |
LinearScaleCollection |
Represents a collection of LinearScale objects. |
.gif) |
LinearScaleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the LinearScale class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in LinearScale. |
.gif) |
LineInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Line class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Line. |
.gif) |
Map |
Represents a map-based data visualization. |
.gif) |
MapAppearanceRule |
Represents an appearance rule to be used for map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapAppearanceRuleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapAppearanceRule class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapAppearanceRule. |
.gif) |
MapBindingFieldPair |
Represents a field and an expression to be used to bind the spatial elements in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer to the data region that is associated with the layer. |
.gif) |
MapBindingFieldPairCollection |
Represents a collection of MapBindingFieldPair objects. |
.gif) |
MapBindingFieldPairInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapBindingFieldPair class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapBindingFieldPair. |
.gif) |
MapBorderSkin |
Represents the appearance of the border around a map. |
.gif) |
MapBorderSkinInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapBorderSkin class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapBorderSkin. |
.gif) |
MapBucket |
Represents the range of custom start and end values to be used for analytical data distribution in a MapColorRangeRule, a MapColorPaletteRule, a MapCustomColorRule, a MapSizeRule, or a MapMarkerRule. |
.gif) |
MapBucketCollection |
Represents a collection of MapBucket objects. |
.gif) |
MapBucketInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapBucket class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapBucket. |
.gif) |
MapColorPaletteRule |
Represents a palette of colors for map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapColorPaletteRuleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapColorPalette class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapColorPalette. |
.gif) |
MapColorRangeRule |
Represents a color range to be used for colorizing map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapColorRangeRuleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapColorRangeRule class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapColorRangeRule. |
.gif) |
MapColorRule |
Represents a color rule in the map. |
.gif) |
MapColorRuleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapColorRule class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapColorRule. |
.gif) |
MapColorScale |
Represents a color scale for a map. |
.gif) |
MapColorScaleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapColorScale class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapColorScale. |
.gif) |
MapColorScaleTitle |
Represents the title of a map color scale. |
.gif) |
MapColorScaleTitleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapColorScaleTitle class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapColorScaleTitle. |
.gif) |
MapCustomColor |
Represents a custom color in the map report item. |
.gif) |
MapCustomColorCollection |
Represents a collection of MapCustomColor objects. |
.gif) |
MapCustomColorInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapCustomColor class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapCustomColor. |
.gif) |
MapCustomColorRule |
Represents a user-defined set of colors for the map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapCustomColorRuleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapCustomColorRule class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapCustomColorRule. |
.gif) |
MapCustomView |
Represents the center of a map viewport based on an arbitrary point. |
.gif) |
MapCustomViewInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapCustomView class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapCustomView. |
.gif) |
MapDataBoundView |
Represents the center of a map viewport based on the map items that are bound to data. |
.gif) |
MapDataBoundViewInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapDataBoundView class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapDataBoundView. |
.gif) |
MapDataRegion |
Provides a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer with analytical data after it applies filtering and/or grouping to the layer. |
.gif) |
MapDataRegionCollection |
Represents a collection of MapDataRegion objects. |
.gif) |
MapDataRegionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapDataRegion class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapDataRegion. |
.gif) |
MapDistanceScale |
Represents the map distance scale. |
.gif) |
MapDistanceScaleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapDistanceScale class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapDistanceScale. |
.gif) |
MapDockableSubItem |
Represents a dockable item in the map item. |
.gif) |
MapDockableSubItemInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapDockableSubItem class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapDockableSubItem. |
.gif) |
MapDynamicMemberInstance |
Represents a dynamic instance of a MapMember object. |
.gif) |
MapElementView |
Represents the center of a map viewport based on a map spatial element. |
.gif) |
MapElementViewInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapElementView class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapElementView. |
.gif) |
MapField |
Represents a name and a value to be associated with a map polygon, a map point, or a map line. |
.gif) |
MapFieldCollection |
Represents a collection of MapField objects. |
.gif) |
MapFieldDefinition |
Represents the metadata for a MapField. |
.gif) |
MapFieldDefinitionCollection |
Represents a collection of MapFieldDefinition objects. |
.gif) |
MapFieldDefinitionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapFieldDefinition class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapFieldDefinition. |
.gif) |
MapFieldInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapField class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapField. |
.gif) |
MapFieldName |
Represents a field name in the map report item. |
.gif) |
MapFieldNameCollection |
Represents a collection of MapFieldName objects. |
.gif) |
MapFieldNameInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapFieldName class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapFieldName. |
.gif) |
MapGridLines |
Represents gridlines for a map. |
.gif) |
MapGridLinesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapGridLines class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapGridLines. |
.gif) |
MapInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Map class and contains the calculated values of the properties in Map. |
.gif) |
MapLayer |
Represents a layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapLayerCollection |
Represents a collection of MapLayer objects. |
.gif) |
MapLayerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLayer class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLayer. |
.gif) |
MapLegend |
Represents a legend to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapLegendCollection |
Represents a collection of MapLegend objects. |
.gif) |
MapLegendInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLegend class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLegend. |
.gif) |
MapLegendTitle |
Represents the title of a map legend. |
.gif) |
MapLegendTitleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLegendTitle class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLegendTitle. |
.gif) |
MapLimits |
Represents the limits of a map viewport. |
.gif) |
MapLimitsInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLimits class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLimits. |
.gif) |
MapLine |
Represents a line-based spatial element to be embedded in a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapLineCollection |
Represents a collection of MapLine objects. |
.gif) |
MapLineInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLine class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLine. |
.gif) |
MapLineLayer |
Represents a line-based layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapLineLayerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLineLayer class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLineLayer. |
.gif) |
MapLineRules |
Represents a set of rules to be applied to map lines. |
.gif) |
MapLineRulesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLineRules class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLineRules. |
.gif) |
MapLineTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map lines in a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapLineTemplateInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLineTemplate class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLineTemplate. |
.gif) |
MapLocation |
Represents the location of a map viewport. |
.gif) |
MapLocationInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapLocation class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapLocation. |
.gif) |
MapMarker |
Represents a marker to be applied to the center point of a map point or a map polygon. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerCollection |
Represents a collection of MapMarker objects. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerImage |
Represents an image to be applied to the map marker. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapMarkerImage class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapMarkerImage. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapMarker class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapMarker. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerRule |
Represents a set of markers for map points in a map polygon layer or in a map point layer. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerRuleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapMarkerRule class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapMarkerRule. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map markers. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerTemplateInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapMarkerTemplate class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapMarkerTemplate. |
.gif) |
MapMember |
Represents group and filter information for the data in a map or in the parent map member. |
.gif) |
MapMemberCollection |
Represents a collection of MapMember objects. |
.gif) |
MapMemberInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapMember class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapMember. |
.gif) |
MapObjectCollectionBase<T> |
Represents a collection of IMapObjectCollectionItem objects. |
.gif) |
MapObjectCollectionItem |
Represents an item in the MapObjectCollectionBase<T>. |
.gif) |
MapPoint |
Represents a point-based spatial element to be embedded in a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapPointCollection |
Represents a collection of MapPoint objects. |
.gif) |
MapPointInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPoint class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPoint. |
.gif) |
MapPointLayer |
Represents a point-based layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapPointLayerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPointLayer class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPointLayer. |
.gif) |
MapPointRules |
Represents a set of rules to be applied to map points in the parent layer. |
.gif) |
MapPointRulesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPointRules class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPointRules. |
.gif) |
MapPointTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map points. |
.gif) |
MapPointTemplateInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPointTemplate class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPointTemplate. |
.gif) |
MapPolygon |
Represents a polygon-based spatial element (for example, a continent, a country, or a state) to be embedded in a map polygon layer. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonCollection |
Represents a collection of MapPolygon objects. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPolygon class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPolygon. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonLayer |
Represents a polygon-based layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonLayerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPolygonLayer class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPolygonLayer. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonRules |
Represents a set of rules to be applied to map polygons in the parent layer. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonRulesInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPolygonRules class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPolygonRules. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map polygons in a map polygon layer. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonTemplateInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapPolygonTemplate class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapPolygonTemplate. |
.gif) |
MapShapefile |
Represents a file-based source for spatial data and optional non-spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapShapefileInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapShapefile class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapShapefile. |
.gif) |
MapSize |
Represents the size of a map viewport, map title, map legend, map distance scale, or map color scale. |
.gif) |
MapSizeInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSize class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSize. |
.gif) |
MapSizeRule |
Represents a size range to be used for sizing map items in a map point layer or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapSizeRuleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSizeRule class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSizeRule. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialData |
Represents a source for spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialDataInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSpatialData class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSpatialData. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialDataRegion |
Represents a data region-based source for spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialDataRegionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSpatialDataRegion class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSpatialDataRegion. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialDataSet |
Represents a dataset-based source for spatial and optional non-spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialDataSetInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSpatialDataSet class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSpatialDataSet. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialElement |
Represents a spatial element in a map. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialElementInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSpatialElement class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSpatialElement. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialElementTemplate |
Represents a template for a spatial element in the map. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialElementTemplateInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSpatialElementTemplate class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSpatialElementTemplate. |
.gif) |
MapSubItem |
Represents a subitem in the map report item. |
.gif) |
MapSubItemInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapSubItem class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapSubItem. |
.gif) |
MapTile |
Represents a map tile image to be embedded in a map tile layer. |
.gif) |
MapTileCollection |
Represents a collection of MapTile objects. |
.gif) |
MapTileInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapTile class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapTile. |
.gif) |
MapTileLayer |
Represents a raster-based map layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapTileLayerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapTileLayer class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapTileLayer. |
.gif) |
MapTitle |
Represents a title to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapTitleCollection |
Represents a collection of MapTitle objects. |
.gif) |
MapTitleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapTitle class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapTitle. |
.gif) |
MapVectorLayer |
Represents a vector-based map layer. |
.gif) |
MapVectorLayerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapVectorLayer class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapVectorLayer. |
.gif) |
MapView |
Represents the center of the map viewport. |
.gif) |
MapViewInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapView class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapView. |
.gif) |
MapViewport |
Represents a map viewport. |
.gif) |
MapViewportInstance |
Represents an instance type of the MapViewport class and contains the calculated values of the properties in MapViewport. |
.gif) |
MemberHierarchy<T> |
Represents a member hierarchy of a specific report item. |
.gif) |
Navigation |
Represents a navigation layout. |
.gif) |
NavigationItem |
Represents the navigation item to use to draw the cover flow navigation layout. |
.gif) |
NumericIndicator |
인프라입니다. Represents a numeric indicator object. |
.gif) |
NumericIndicatorCollection |
Represents a collection of NumericIndicator objects. |
.gif) |
NumericIndicatorInstance |
인프라입니다. Represents an instance type of the NumericIndicator class and contains the calculated values of the properties in NumericIndicator. |
.gif) |
Page |
Represents a page in the report. |
.gif) |
PageBreak |
Defines page break behavior for a Group, DataRegion or Rectangle. |
.gif) |
PageBreakHelper |
A page break helper class. |
.gif) |
PageBreakInstance |
Represents an instance type of the PageBreak class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in PageBreak. |
.gif) |
PageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Page class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Page. |
.gif) |
PageSection |
Represents the layout of report items to appear at the top or bottom of every page of the report. |
.gif) |
PageSectionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the PageSection class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in PageSection. |
.gif) |
Paragraph |
Represents a paragraph of text within a text box, and contains a collection of TextRun elements. |
.gif) |
ParagraphCollection |
Represents a collection of Paragraph objects. |
.gif) |
ParagraphInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Paragraph class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Paragraph. |
.gif) |
ParagraphInstanceCollection |
Represents a collection of ParagraphInstance objects. |
.gif) |
ParagraphInstanceEnumerator |
Gets the enumerator for an inherited object of ParagraphInstance. The enumerator may contain both instance objects compiled from HTML tags and instance objects for paragraphs defined directly in the report. |
.gif) |
Parameter |
Contains information about a parameter to a subreport or drillthrough. |
.gif) |
ParameterCollection |
Represents a collection of Parameter objects. |
.gif) |
ParameterInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Parameter class and contains the calculated values of the properties in Parameter. |
.gif) |
PinLabel |
Represents a label for a pin value at one end of a scale. |
.gif) |
PinLabelInstance |
Represents an instance type of the PinLabel class and contains the calculated values of the properties in PinLabel. |
.gif) |
PlayAxis |
Represents a play axis navigation type. |
.gif) |
PointerCap |
Represents a pointer cap for a radial gauge. |
.gif) |
PointerCapInstance |
Represents an instance type of the PointerCap class and contains the calculated values of the properties in PointerCap. |
.gif) |
PointerImage |
Represents an image to be used for a pointer in a Gauge. |
.gif) |
PointerImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the PointerImage class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in PointerImage. |
.gif) |
RadialGauge |
Represents a radial gauge to be drawn within a GaugePanel. |
.gif) |
RadialGaugeCollection |
Represents a collection of RadialGauge objects. |
.gif) |
RadialGaugeInstance |
Represents an instance type of the RadialGauge class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in RadialGauge. |
.gif) |
RadialPointer |
Represents a radial pointer to be drawn against a RadialScale. |
.gif) |
RadialPointerCollection |
Represents a collection of RadialPointer objects. |
.gif) |
RadialPointerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the RadialPointer class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in RadialPointer. |
.gif) |
RadialScale |
Represents a radial scale to be drawn within a RadialGauge. |
.gif) |
RadialScaleCollection |
Represents a collection of RadialScale objects. |
.gif) |
RadialScaleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the RadialScale class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in RadialScale. |
.gif) |
Rectangle |
Represents a rectangle report item. |
.gif) |
RectangleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Rectangle class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Rectangle. |
.gif) |
RenderPropertyConstants |
인프라입니다. Enumerates the constants for the render property. |
.gif) |
Report |
Represents a report. |
.gif) |
ReportBoolProperty |
Represents a Boolean property in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportColor |
Represents a color in a report. |
.gif) |
ReportColorProperty |
Represents a ReportColor property in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportDoubleProperty |
Represents a double property in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportElement |
Represents the base class of a report element. |
.gif) |
ReportElementCollectionBase<T> |
Represents the base class for all report element collections. |
.gif) |
ReportElementCollectionBase<T>.ReportElementEnumerator |
Represents the enumerator for an inherited object of ReportElementCollectionBase<T>. |
.gif) |
ReportElementInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ReportElement class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ReportElement. |
.gif) |
ReportElementInstanceCollectionBase<T> |
Represents the base class for all report element instance collections. |
.gif) |
ReportEnumProperty<EnumType> |
Represents a report enumeration property of a specific enumeration type. |
.gif) |
ReportInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Report class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Report. |
.gif) |
ReportIntProperty |
Represents an integer property in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportItem |
Represents a report item, such as a rectangle or tablix. |
.gif) |
ReportItemCollection |
Represents a collection of ReportItem objects. |
.gif) |
ReportItemInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ReportItem class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ReportItem. |
.gif) |
ReportParameter |
Contains information about a parameter to the report. |
.gif) |
ReportParameterCollection |
Represents a collection of ReportParameter objects. |
.gif) |
ReportParameterInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ReportParameter class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ReportParameter. |
.gif) |
ReportProperty |
Represents a report property. |
.gif) |
ReportRenderingException |
This ReportRenderingException class is used by rendering extensions to create runtime exceptions. |
.gif) |
ReportSection |
Represents a section in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportSectionCollection |
Represents a collection of ReportSection objects. |
.gif) |
ReportSectionInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ReportSection class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ReportSection. |
.gif) |
ReportSize |
Represents a unit of length on the report. |
.gif) |
ReportSizeProperty |
Represents a ReportSize property in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportStringProperty |
Represents a report string property. |
.gif) |
ReportUrl |
Represents a URL in a report. |
.gif) |
ReportUrlProperty |
Represents a ReportUrl property in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportVariantProperty |
Represents a property of varying types in the report. |
.gif) |
ScaleLabels |
Defines the appearance of labels on a GaugeScale. |
.gif) |
ScaleLabelsInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ScaleLabels class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ScaleLabels. |
.gif) |
ScalePin |
Represents a pin value at one end of a GaugeScale. |
.gif) |
ScalePinInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ScalePin class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in ScalePin. |
.gif) |
ScaleRange |
Represents a range to be drawn against a GaugeScale. |
.gif) |
ScaleRangeCollection |
Represents a collection of ScaleRange objects. |
.gif) |
ScaleRangeInstance |
Represents an instance type of the ScaleRange class and contains the calculated values of the properties in ScaleRange. |
.gif) |
Slider |
Represents a slider in a navigation control. |
.gif) |
StateIndicator |
Represents a state indicator. |
.gif) |
StateIndicatorCollection |
Represents a collection of StateIndicator objects. |
.gif) |
StateIndicatorInstance |
Represents an instance type of the StateIndicator class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in StateIndicator. |
.gif) |
Style |
Contains information about the style of an object in the report. |
.gif) |
StyleBase |
Represents the base class for the Style class. |
.gif) |
StyleBaseInstance |
Represents an instance type of the StyleBase class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in StyleBase. |
.gif) |
StyleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Style class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Style. |
.gif) |
SubReport |
Represents a subreport. |
.gif) |
SubReportInstance |
Represents an instance type of the SubReport class and contains the calculated values of the properties in SubReport. |
.gif) |
Tablix |
Represents a tablix. This is is a flexible layout grid with nested repeating column groups and row groups. |
.gif) |
TablixBody |
Defines the layout and structure of the bottom right region that contains the data elements of the tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixCell |
Represents the contents of each cell in the body section of a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixCellInstance |
Represents an instance type of the TablixCell class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in TablixCell. |
.gif) |
TablixColumn |
Represents a column in the body section of a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixColumnCollection |
Represents a collection of TablixColumn objects. |
.gif) |
TablixCorner |
Defines the layout and structure of the upper left-hand corner region of a tablix. The height of the corner is the sum of the heights of the column headers. The width of the corner is the sum of the widths of the row headers. |
.gif) |
TablixCornerCell |
Represents the contents of each corner cell in the tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixCornerRow |
Represents the list of cells in a row of the corner section of a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixCornerRowCollection |
Represents a collection of TablixCornerRow objects. |
.gif) |
TablixDynamicMemberInstance |
Represents a dynamic instance of a TablixMember object. |
.gif) |
TablixHeader |
Represents a group header in a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixHierarchy |
Represents a hierarchy of members for the tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Tablix class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixMember |
Represents a member in a tablix hierarchy. |
.gif) |
TablixMemberCollection |
Represents a collection of TablixMember objects. |
.gif) |
TablixMemberInstance |
Represents an instance type of the TablixMember class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in TablixMember. |
.gif) |
TablixRow |
Represents a tablix row with a list of cells. |
.gif) |
TablixRowCollection |
Represents a collection of TablixRow objects. |
.gif) |
Tabstrip |
Represents a tabstrip navigation layout. |
.gif) |
TextBox |
Represents a text box. |
.gif) |
TextBoxInstance |
Represents an instance type of the TextBox class and contains the calculated values of the properties in TextBox. |
.gif) |
TextRun |
Represents a text run. |
.gif) |
TextRunCollection |
Represents a collection of TextRun objects. |
.gif) |
TextRunInstance |
Represents an instance type of the TextRun class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in TextRun. |
.gif) |
TextRunInstanceCollection |
Represents a collection of StateIndicator objects. |
.gif) |
TextRunInstanceEnumerator |
Defines the enumerator for an inherited object of TextRunInstance. |
.gif) |
Thermometer |
Defines display properties for a linear gauge thermometer pointer. |
.gif) |
ThermometerInstance |
Represents an instance type of the Thermometer class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in Thermometer. |
.gif) |
TickMarkStyle |
Represents a tick mark associated with a custom label. |
.gif) |
TickMarkStyleInstance |
Represents an instance type of the TickMarkStyle class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in TickMarkStyle. |
.gif) |
TopImage |
Represents an image to be displayed atop part of a gauge. |
.gif) |
TopImageInstance |
Represents an instance type of the TopImage class, and contains the calculated values of the properties in TopImage. |
.gif) |
Visibility |
Defines whether a report item should be shown in the rendered report. |
.gif) |
VisibilityInstance |
Represents the visibility state of an instance type object. |