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CheckAccess 메서드

Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given operation.

오버로드 목록

  이름 설명
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], CatalogOperation) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given catalog operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], array<CatalogOperation> [] () [] []) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given array of catalog operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], DatasourceOperation) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given data source operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], FolderOperation) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given folder operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], array<FolderOperation> [] () [] []) Checks a user's authorization credentials against a security descriptor for operations on an item in the report server database
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], ModelItemOperation) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given model item operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], ModelOperation) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given model operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], ReportOperation) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given report operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], ResourceOperation) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given resource operation.
공용 메서드 CheckAccess(String, IntPtr, array<Byte> [] () [] [], array<ResourceOperation> [] () [] []) Indicates whether a user is authorized to access an item in the report server database for a given array of resource operations.

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