ChartSeries 멤버
Represents the list of data points for one series.
ChartSeries 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.
이름 | 설명 | |
Equals | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Finalize | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetEnumerator | Gets the enumerator for this ReportElementCollectionBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)>. (ReportElementCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) >에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetHashCode | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetType | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
MemberwiseClone | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
ToString | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) |
맨 위로 이동
이름 | 설명 | |
CategoryAxisName | Name of the category axis against which to plot this series. | |
ChartAreaName | Name of the chart area in which to plot the series. | |
ChartItemInLegend | Defines how the series appears when displayed in a legend. | |
Count | Gets the number of items in the collection. (ReportElementCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) >에서 상속됩니다.) | |
CustomProperties | Custom properties for the series. | |
DataLabel | Gets the label for the data points. | |
EmptyPoints | Gets the empty points. | |
Hidden | Indicates the series should be hidden. | |
Instance | Gets the report instance object that contains the calculated values of this report definition object. | |
Item | Gets the item at the specified index. (ReportElementCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) >에서 상속됩니다.) | |
LegendName | Name of the legend in which this series should appear. | |
Marker | Gets the marker. | |
Name | Name of chart series. | |
SmartLabel | Gets the smart label settings. | |
Style | Gets the style properties of this report definition object. | |
Subtype | Visualization subtype for the series. | |
Type | Visualization type for the series. | |
ValueAxisName | Name of the value axis against which to plot this series. |
맨 위로 이동
명시적 인터페이스 구현
이름 | 설명 | |
IEnumerable. . :: . .GetEnumerator | 인프라 (ReportElementCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) >에서 상속됩니다.) |
맨 위로 이동