BackgroundImage 멤버
Represents a background image in the report definition.
BackgroundImage 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.
이름 | 설명 | |
Equals | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Finalize | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetHashCode | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetType | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
MemberwiseClone | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
ToString | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) |
맨 위로 이동
이름 | 설명 | |
BackgroundRepeat | Indicates how the background image should fill the available space. | |
ExpressionString | Gets the expression string for the report property, if the report property is an expression string. (ReportProperty에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Instance | Gets the report instance object that contains the calculated values of this report definition object. | |
IsExpression | Gets a value that indicates whether the value of the report property is an expression. (ReportProperty에서 상속됩니다.) | |
MIMEType | The MIMEType for the image. | |
Position | Indicates where a background image with BackgroundRepeat = Clip should be drawn. | |
Source | Identifies the source of the image. | |
TransparentColor | Defines a color to treat as transparent in the background image. | |
Value | Gets the image data. |
맨 위로 이동