ScalePin 멤버
Represents a pin value at one end of a GaugeScale.
ScalePin 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.
이름 | 설명 | |
Equals | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Finalize | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetHashCode | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetInstance | 인프라 (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetType | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
MemberwiseClone | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
ToString | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) |
맨 위로 이동
이름 | 설명 | |
DistanceFromScale | Distance from the label to the tick mark, as a percentage of the scale size (radius for radial scales, length for linear scales). (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Enable | Indicates the pin is enabled. | |
EnableGradient | Indicates whether a gradient effect is used for the tick mark. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GradientDensity | Intensity of the gradient effect (from 0 to 100). (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Hidden | Indicates the custom label is hidden. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Instance | Gets the report instance object that contains the calculated values of this report definition object. | |
Length | Length of the tick mark as a percentage of the parent scale radius for radial gauge and as a percentage of the Width/Height for linear gauge whichever is smaller. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Location | Location of the pin, relative to the start or end of the scale. Degrees for radial scales, percentage for linear scales. | |
PinLabel | Defines a label for the pin. | |
Placement | Determines where the tick mark should be placed relative to the scale. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Shape | Shape of the tick mark. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Style | Gets the style properties of this report definition object. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
TickMarkImage | Image to use for the tick mark. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Width | Width of the tick mark as a percentage of the parent scale radius for radial gauge and as a percentage of the Width/Height for linear gauge whichever is smaller. (TickMarkStyle에서 상속됩니다.) |
맨 위로 이동