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Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dmf 네임스페이스

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dmf namespace contains classes that represent the SQL Server policy-based management objects. 

The top-level class is the PolicyStore class, where the following objects are child objects: Policy, Condition, PolicyGroupSubscription, PolicyCategory, Facets

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Facets namespace supports the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dmf namespace.


  클래스 설명
공용 클래스 AdapterAlreadyExistsException The AdapterAlreadyExistsException class is an exception that is raised when an attempt is made to retrieve a collection that is not available.
공용 클래스 AdapterWrongNumberOfArgumentsException The AdapterWrongNumberOfArgumentsException class is an exception that is raised when the adapter receives the wrong number of arguments.
공용 클래스 AssemblyAlreadyRegisteredException
공용 클래스 BadEventDataException The BadEventDataException class is an exception that is raised when the event data is incorrect.
공용 클래스 BadExpressionTreeException The BadExpressionTreeException class is an exception that is raised when the expression tree is incorrect.
공용 클래스 Condition The Condition object represents a policy-based management condition.
공용 클래스 Condition. . :: . .Key The Condition..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the Condition class.
공용 클래스 ConditionCollection The ConditionCollection class represents a collection of Condition objects that represent all the conditions in the policy store.
공용 클래스 ConditionExtender The ConditionExtender class is an exception that is raised when the expression tree is incorrect.
공용 클래스 ConflictingPropertyValuesException The ConflictingPropertyValuesException class is an exception that is raised when property values conflict.
공용 클래스 ConnectionEvaluationHistory The ConnectionEvaluationHistory object represents the information that is stored in the system catalogs to evaluate the policy on a specific instance of SQL Server.
공용 클래스 ConnectionEvaluationHistory. . :: . .Key The ConnectionEvaluationHistory..::..Key class represents the key that is used to identify the ConnectionEvaluationHistory class.
공용 클래스 ConnectionEvaluationHistoryCollection The ConnectionEvaluationHistoryCollection class represents a collection of ConnectionEvaluationHistory objects that represent all the connection evaluation histories that are in the evaluation history.
공용 클래스 ConversionNotSupportedException The ConversionNotSupportedException class is an exception that is raised when an unsupported conversion is attempted on a type.
공용 클래스 DmfException The DmfException class represents a generic policy-based management exception.
공용 클래스 EvaluationDetail The EvaluationDetail object represents the evaluation information that is stored in the system catalogs about the parent policy for a given target.
공용 클래스 EvaluationDetail. . :: . .Key The EvaluationDetail..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the EvaluationDetail class.
공용 클래스 EvaluationDetailCollection The EvaluationDetailCollection class represents a collection of EvaluationDetail objects that represent all the evaluation details that are in the connection evaluation history.
공용 클래스 EvaluationFactory Represents the evaluation factory in policy-based management services.
공용 클래스 EvaluationHistory The EvaluationHistory object represents information about parent policy evaluation that is stored in the system catalogs.
공용 클래스 EvaluationHistory. . :: . .Key The EvaluationHistory..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the EvaluationHistory class.
공용 클래스 EvaluationHistoryCollection The EvaluationHistoryCollection class represents a collection of EvaluationHistory objects that represent all evaluation histories that are in the policy store.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNode The ExpressionNode object represents a policy-based management expression node. The expression node describes part of an expression, such as a constant value, an operator, or a function.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeAttribute The ExpressionNodeAttribute object represents an attribute of a policy-based management expression node.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeChildren The ExpressionNodeChildren object represents the child expression nodes that are dependent on an expression node.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeConfigurationException The ExpressionNodeConfigurationException class is an exception that is raised when an the adapter receives the wrong number of arguments.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeConstant The ExpressionNodeConstant object represents an objectthat is used in an expression.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeFunction The ExpressionNodeFunction object represents part of a policy-based management expression that is a function.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeGroup The ExpressionNodeGroup object represents an expression node that is a group.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeNotConfigurableException The ExpressionNodeNotConfigurableException class is an exception that is raised when the expression node cannot be configured.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeNotConfigurableOperatorException The ExpressionNodeNotConfigurableOperatorException class is an exception that is raised if the operator cannot configure the expression node.
공용 클래스 ExpressionNodeOperator The ExpressionNodeOperator object represents an expression node that is an operator.
공용 클래스 ExpressionSerializationException The ExpressionSerializationException class is an exception that is raised when an the adapter receives the wrong number of arguments.
공용 클래스 ExpressionTypeMistmatchException The ExpressionTypeMismatchException class is an exception that is raised when the types in the expression do not match.
공용 클래스 FacetInfo The FacetInfo object represents a facet information item that is used to record information about the facets.
공용 클래스 FacetInfoCollection The FacetInfoCollection class represents a collection of FacetInfo objects that represent all facets on the instance of SQL Server.
공용 클래스 FailedOperationException The FailedOperationException class is an exception that is raised when a policy-based management operation fails.
공용 클래스 FunctionBadDatePartException The FunctionBadDatePartException class is an exception that is raised when the date that is supplied to the function is not the correct format.
공용 클래스 FunctionNoServerException The FunctionNoServerException class is an exception that is raised when the server is not recognized.
공용 클래스 FunctionNotASmoObjectException The FunctionNotASmoObjectException class is an exception that is raised when the function encounters an unsupported object.
공용 클래스 FunctionTooManyColumnsException The FunctionTooManyColumnsException class is an exception that is raised when the function has too many columns.
공용 클래스 FunctionWrongArgumentsNumberException The FunctionWrongArgumentsNumberException class is an exception that is raised when the function receives the incorrect number of arguments.
공용 클래스 FunctionWrongArgumentTypeException The FunctionWrongArgumentTypeException class is an exception that is raised when the function receives an argument that is the incorrect type.
공용 클래스 FunctionWrongReturnTypeException The FunctionWrongReturnTypeException class is an exception that is raised when the specified return type is not the same as the type that is returned by the function.
공용 클래스 InvalidInOperatorException The InvalidInOperatorException class is an exception that is raised when the operator is not valid.
공용 클래스 InvalidOperandException The InvalidOperandException class is an exception that is raised when an operand is encountered that is not valid.
공용 클래스 MissingJobScheduleException The MissingJobScheduleException class is an exception that is raised when there in no job schedule.
공용 클래스 MissingObjectException The MissingObjectException class is an exception that is raised when a specified object is missing.
공용 클래스 MissingPropertyException The MissingPropertyException class is an exception that is raised when a specified property is missing.
공용 클래스 MissingTypeFacetAssociationException The MissingTypeFacetAssociationException class is an exception that is raised when a specified association between a facet and a type is missing.
공용 클래스 NonConfigurableReadOnlyPropertyException The NonConfigurableReadOnlyPropertyException class is an exception that is raised when there is an attempt to configure a read-only property.
공용 클래스 NonRetrievablePropertyException The NonRetrievablePropertyException class is an exception that is raised when a property cannot be retrieved.
공용 클래스 NoTargetSetEnabledException The NoTargetSetEnabledException class is an exception that is raised when the target set has not been enabled.
공용 클래스 NullFacetException The NullFacetException class is an exception that is raised when the facet is not set.
공용 클래스 ObjectAlreadyExistsException The ObjectAlreadyExistsException class is an exception that is raised when an attempt to create an object that already exists is made.
공용 클래스 ObjectSet The ObjectSet object represents a policy-based management set of objects.
공용 클래스 ObjectSet. . :: . .Key The ObjectSet..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the ObjectSet class.
공용 클래스 ObjectSetCollection The ObjectSetCollection class represents a collection of ObjectSet objects that represent all the object sets in the policy store.
공용 클래스 ObjectValidationException The ObjectValidationException class is an exception that is raised when an object encounters an error during validation.
공용 클래스 OperatorNotApplicableException The OperatorNotApplicableException class is an exception that is raised when an operator does not have the appropriate permissions.
공용 클래스 Policy The Policy object represents a Policy-Based Management policy.
공용 클래스 Policy. . :: . .ConnectionProcessingFinishedEventArgs Represents the arguments that are passed to the event handler when the connection processing is finished.
공용 클래스 Policy. . :: . .ConnectionProcessingStartedEventArgs Represents the arguments that are passed to the event handler when the connection processing has started.
공용 클래스 Policy. . :: . .Key The Policy..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the Policy class.
공용 클래스 Policy. . :: . .PolicyEvaluationFinishedEventArgs Represents the arguments that are passed to the event handler when the evaluation of a policy finishes.
공용 클래스 Policy. . :: . .TargetProcessedEventArgs Represents the arguments that are passed to the event handler when the target is processed.
공용 클래스 PolicyCategory Represents a category that classifies policies in SQL Server Policy-Based Management.
공용 클래스 PolicyCategory. . :: . .Key The PolicyCategory..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the PolicyCategory class.
공용 클래스 PolicyCategoryCollection The PolicyCategoryCollection class represents a collection of PolicyCategory objects that represent all policy categories in the policy store.
공용 클래스 PolicyCategoryInformation Contains information about the policy category in policy-based management services.
공용 클래스 PolicyCategorySubscription The PolicyCategorySubscription object represents a subscription to a particular policy category.
공용 클래스 PolicyCategorySubscription. . :: . .Key The PolicyCategorySubscription..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the PolicyCategorySubscription class.
공용 클래스 PolicyCategorySubscriptionCollection
공용 클래스 PolicyCollection The PolicyCollection class represents a collection of Policy objects that represent all policies in the policy store.
공용 클래스 PolicyEvaluationException The PolicyEvaluationException class is an exception that is raised when an error occurs during the evaluation of a policy.
공용 클래스 PolicyEvaluationResultsWriter Represents the XML writer that records the policy evaluation history in Policy-Based Management.
공용 클래스 PolicyEvaluationWrapper Represents a wrapper class for the policy evaluation.
공용 클래스 PolicyExtender Contains additional functionality for the Policy object.
공용 클래스 PolicyStore The PolicyStore object represents a policy-based Management policy store that holds information about policies, conditions, object sets, and subscriptions.
공용 클래스 PolicyStore. . :: . .Key The PolicyStore..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the PolicyStore class.
공용 클래스 PolicyStoreUpgradeSession Represents a policy store upgrade session.
공용 클래스 PostConfigurationActionAttribute Represents an attribute that is associated with the post configuration action in policy-based management services.
공용 클래스 RestartPendingException The RestartPendingException class represents the exception that is raised when a system restart is pending.
공용 클래스 RestartPendingException< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > The RestartPendingException class is an exception that is raised when an error occurs when a system restart is pending.
공용 클래스 StringPropertyTooLongException The StringPropertyTooLongException class is an exception that is raised when the string that is assigned to a property is too long.
공용 클래스 TargetEvaluation Represents the target evaluation in policy-based management services.
공용 클래스 TargetSet The TargetSet object represents a policy-based Management target set that holds information about levels, the condition for each level, and the target types.
공용 클래스 TargetSet. . :: . .Key The TargetSet..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the TargetSet class.
공용 클래스 TargetSetCollection The TargetSetCollectionCollection class represents a collection of TargetSet objects that represent all the policies in the policy store.
공용 클래스 TargetSetCountMismatchException The TargetSetCountMismatchException class is an exception that is raised when the target set and facet counts do not match.
공용 클래스 TargetSetLevel Represents the target set level in policy-based management services.
공용 클래스 TargetSetLevel. . :: . .Key The TargetSetLevel..::..Key class represents the key that identifies the TargetSetLevel class.
공용 클래스 TargetSetLevelCollection The TargetSetLevelCollection class represents a collection of TargetSetLevel objects that represent all target set levels in the target set.
공용 클래스 TypeConversionException The TypeConversionException class is an exception that is raised when a type conversion error occurs.
공용 클래스 UnsupportedObjectTypeException The UnsupportedObjectTypeException class is an exception that is raised when an error occurs when the policy encounters an unsupported object.
공용 클래스 UnsupportedTargetSetForFacetException
공용 클래스 UnsupportedTypeException The UnsupportedTypeException class is an exception that is raised when an unsupported type is encountered.
공용 클래스 Utils Represents a utility class that is used in policy-based management services.


  대리자 설명
공용 대리자 Policy. . :: . .ConnectionProcessingFinishedEventHandler The ConnectionProcessingFinishedEventHandler class represents the event handler that handles the event that occurs when the processing of the connection has finished.
공용 대리자 Policy. . :: . .ConnectionProcessingStartedEventHandler The ConnectionProcessingStartedEventHandler class represents the event handler that handles the event that occurs when the processing of a connection has started.
공용 대리자 Policy. . :: . .PolicyEvaluationFinishedEventHandler Represents the arguments that are passed to the event handler when a policy evaluation finishes.
공용 대리자 Policy. . :: . .PolicyEvaluationStartedEventHandler The PolicyEvaluationStartedEventHandler class represents the event handler that handles the event that occurs when the evaluation of a policy has started.
공용 대리자 Policy. . :: . .TargetProcessedEventHandler The TargetProcessedEventHandler class represents the event handler that handles the event that occurs when the target has been processed.


  열거형 설명
공용 열거형 AdHocPolicyEvaluationMode The AdHocPolicyEvaluationMode enumeration contains values that specify the method that is used to evaluate the policy.
공용 열거형 AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode The AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode enumeration contains values that specify the Policy-Based Management automated policy evaluation modes.
공용 열거형 DmfExceptionType The DmfExceptionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the policy-based management exception types.
공용 열거형 ExpressionNodeFunction. . :: . .Function The ExpressionNodeFunction..::..Function enumeration contains values that represent the different types of supported function.
공용 열거형 ExpressionNodeType The ExpressionNodeType enumeration contains values that specify the type of expression node.
공용 열거형 ExpressionSerializationException. . :: . .ReaderActionType 정보를 제공하기 위해서만 확인됩니다. 지원되지 않습니다. 향후 호환성은 보장되지 않습니다.
공용 열거형 ImportPolicyEnabledState The ImportPolicyEnabledState enumeration contains values that are used to specify the state of the import policy.
공용 열거형 NameConditionType The NameConditionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the condition that is used in a policy.
공용 열거형 OperatorType The OperatorType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of operator.
공용 열거형 PolicyEffectiveState The PolicyEffectiveState enumeration contains values that are used to specify the effectiveness of the policy.
공용 열거형 PolicyHealthState The PolicyHealthState enumeration contains values that specify the health state of the policy.
공용 열거형 PostConfigurationAction The PostConfigurationAction enumeration contains values that specify the action to take after configuration finishes.
공용 열거형 TypeClass The TypeClass enumeration contains values that describe the different class types.