다음을 통해 공유

방법: 게시 및 배포 비활성화(RMO 프로그래밍)

RMO(복제 관리 개체)를 사용하여 프로그래밍 방식으로 게시 및 배포를 해제할 수 있습니다.

게시 및 배포를 해제하려면

  1. 배포자를 사용하는 게시에 대한 모든 구독을 제거합니다. 자세한 내용은 방법: 끌어오기 구독 삭제(RMO 프로그래밍)방법: 밀어넣기 구독 삭제(RMO 프로그래밍)를 참조하십시오.

  2. 배포자를 사용하는 모든 게시를 제거하고 게시자와 배포자가 동일한 서버에 있는 경우에는 모든 데이터베이스에 대한 게시를 해제합니다. 자세한 내용은 방법: 게시 삭제(RMO 프로그래밍)를 참조하십시오.

  3. Serverconnection 클래스를 사용하여 배포자 연결을 만듭니다.

  4. DistributionPublisher 클래스의 인스턴스를 만듭니다. name()()()() 속성을 지정하고 3단계에서 만든 ServerConnection 개체를 전달합니다.

  5. 필요에 따라 LoadProperties 메서드를 호출하여 개체의 속성을 얻고 게시자가 있는지 확인합니다. 이 메서드가 false를 반환하면 4단계에서 지정한 게시자 이름이 올바르지 않거나 이 배포자에서 게시자를 사용하지 않는 것입니다.

  6. Remove(Boolean) 메서드를 호출합니다. 게시자와 배포자가 다른 서버에 있으며 게시자에 게시가 더 이상 존재하지 않는지 먼저 확인하지 않고 배포자에서 게시자를 제거해야 하는 경우 force에 true 값을 전달합니다.

  7. ReplicationServer 클래스의 인스턴스를 만듭니다. 3단계에서 만든 ServerConnection 개체를 전달합니다.

  8. UninstallDistributor 메서드를 호출합니다. 모든 로컬 게시 데이터베이스가 해제되었는지, 그리고 배포 데이터베이스가 제거되었는지 확인하지 않고 배포자의 모든 복제 개체를 제거하려면 force에 true 값을 전달합니다.

다음 예에서는 배포자에서 게시 등록을 제거하고 배포 데이터베이스 삭제하며 배포자를 제거합니다.

           // Set the Distributor and publication database names.
            // Publisher and Distributor are on the same server instance.
            string publisherName = publisherInstance;
            string distributorName = publisherInstance;
            string distributionDbName = "distribution";
            string publicationDbName = "AdventureWorks";

            // Create connections to the Publisher and Distributor
            // using Windows Authentication.
            ServerConnection publisherConn = new ServerConnection(publisherName);
            ServerConnection distributorConn = new ServerConnection(distributorName);

            // Create the objects we need.
            ReplicationServer distributor =
                new ReplicationServer(distributorConn);
            DistributionPublisher publisher;
            DistributionDatabase distributionDb =
                new DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, distributorConn);
            ReplicationDatabase publicationDb;
            publicationDb = new ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, publisherConn);

                // Connect to the Publisher and Distributor.

                // Disable all publishing on the AdventureWorks2008R2 database.
                if (publicationDb.LoadProperties())
                    if (publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing)
                        publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = false;
                    else if (publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing)
                        publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = false;
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                        String.Format("The {0} database does not exist.", publicationDbName));

                // We cannot uninstall the Publisher if there are still Subscribers.
                if (distributor.RegisteredSubscribers.Count == 0)
                    // Uninstall the Publisher, if it exists.
                    publisher = new DistributionPublisher(publisherName, distributorConn);
                    if (publisher.LoadProperties())
                        // Do something here if the Publisher does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "{0} is not a Publisher for {1}.", publisherName, distributorName));

                    // Drop the distribution database.
                    if (distributionDb.LoadProperties())
                        // Do something here if the distribition DB does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "The distribution database '{0}' does not exist on {1}.",
                            distributionDbName, distributorName));

                    // Uninstall the Distributor, if it exists.
                    if (distributor.LoadProperties())
                        // Passing a value of false means that the Publisher 
                        // and distribution databases must already be uninstalled,
                        // and that no local databases be enabled for publishing.
                        //Do something here if the distributor does not exist.
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
                            "The Distributor '{0}' does not exist.", distributorName));
                    throw new ApplicationException("You must first delete all subscriptions.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement appropriate error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException("The Publisher and Distributor could not be uninstalled", ex);
' Set the Distributor and publication database names.
' Publisher and Distributor are on the same server instance.
Dim publisherName As String = publisherInstance
Dim distributorName As String = subscriberInstance
Dim distributionDbName As String = "distribution"
Dim publicationDbName As String = "AdventureWorks2008R2"

' Create connections to the Publisher and Distributor
' using Windows Authentication.
Dim publisherConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)
Dim distributorConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(distributorName)

' Create the objects we need.
Dim distributor As ReplicationServer
distributor = New ReplicationServer(distributorConn)
Dim publisher As DistributionPublisher
Dim distributionDb As DistributionDatabase
distributionDb = New DistributionDatabase(distributionDbName, distributorConn)
Dim publicationDb As ReplicationDatabase
publicationDb = New ReplicationDatabase(publicationDbName, publisherConn)

    ' Connect to the Publisher and Distributor.

    ' Disable all publishing on the AdventureWorks database.
    If publicationDb.LoadProperties() Then
        If publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing Then
            publicationDb.EnabledMergePublishing = False
        ElseIf publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing Then
            publicationDb.EnabledTransPublishing = False
        End If
        Throw New ApplicationException( _
            String.Format("The {0} database does not exist.", publicationDbName))
    End If

    ' We cannot uninstall the Publisher if there are still Subscribers.
    If distributor.RegisteredSubscribers.Count = 0 Then
        ' Uninstall the Publisher, if it exists.
        publisher = New DistributionPublisher(publisherName, distributorConn)
        If publisher.LoadProperties() Then
            ' Do something here if the Publisher does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                "{0} is not a Publisher for {1}.", publisherName, distributorName))
        End If

        ' Drop the distribution database.
        If distributionDb.LoadProperties() Then
            ' Do something here if the distribition DB does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
             "The distribution database '{0}' does not exist on {1}.", _
             distributionDbName, distributorName))
        End If

        ' Uninstall the Distributor, if it exists.
        If distributor.LoadProperties() Then
            ' Passing a value of false means that the Publisher 
            ' and distribution databases must already be uninstalled,
            ' and that no local databases be enabled for publishing.
            'Do something here if the distributor does not exist.
            Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                "The Distributor '{0}' does not exist.", distributorName))
        End If
        Throw New ApplicationException("You must first delete all subscriptions.")
    End If

Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement appropriate error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException("The Publisher and Distributor could not be uninstalled", ex)


End Try

다음 예에서는 먼저 로컬 게시 데이터베이스를 해제하거나 배포 데이터베이스를 삭제하지 않고 배포자를 제거합니다.

           // Set the Distributor and publication database names.
            // Publisher and Distributor are on the same server instance.
            string distributorName = publisherInstance;

            // Create connections to the Distributor
            // using Windows Authentication.
            ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(distributorName);
            conn.DatabaseName = "master";

            // Create the objects we need.
            ReplicationServer distributor = new ReplicationServer(conn);

                // Connect to the Publisher and Distributor.

                // Uninstall the Distributor, if it exists.
                // Use the force parameter to remove everthing.  
                if (distributor.IsDistributor && distributor.LoadProperties())
                    // Passing a value of true means that the Distributor 
                    // is uninstalled even when publishing objects, subscriptions,
                    // and distribution databases exist on the server.
                    //Do something here if the distributor does not exist.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Implement appropriate error handling here.
                throw new ApplicationException("The Publisher and Distributor could not be uninstalled", ex);
' Set the Distributor and publication database names.
' Publisher and Distributor are on the same server instance.
Dim distributorName As String = publisherInstance

' Create connections to the Distributor
' using Windows Authentication.
Dim conn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(distributorName)
conn.DatabaseName = "master"

' Create the objects we need.
Dim distributor As ReplicationServer = New ReplicationServer(conn)

    ' Connect to the Publisher and Distributor.

    ' Uninstall the Distributor, if it exists.
    ' Use the force parameter to remove everthing.  
    If distributor.IsDistributor And distributor.LoadProperties() Then
        ' Passing a value of true means that the Distributor 
        ' is uninstalled even when publishing objects, subscriptions,
        ' and distribution databases exist on the server.
        'Do something here if the distributor does not exist.
    End If

Catch ex As Exception
    ' Implement appropriate error handling here.
    Throw New ApplicationException("The Publisher and Distributor could not be uninstalled", ex)


End Try