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Microsoft.SqlServer.Types 네임스페이스

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Types namespace contains classes used when working with the HierarchyID data type and the spatial data types, such as the geometry and geographic data types.


  클래스 설명
공용 클래스 HierarchyIdException The exception that is thrown for invalid SqlHierarchyId values.
공용 클래스 SqlGeography The SqlGeography type represents data in a geodetic (round earth) coordinate system.
공용 클래스 SqlGeographyBuilder Constructs instances of SqlGeography objects by using IGeographySink interface.
공용 클래스 SqlGeometry The SqlGeometry type represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system.
공용 클래스 SqlGeometryBuilder Constructs instances of SqlGeometry objects by using IGeometrySink interface.


  구조 설명
공용 구조 SqlHierarchyId The SqlHierarchyId type represents a position in a hierarchical structure, specifying depth and breadth.


  인터페이스 설명
공용 인터페이스 IGeographySink Interface used by SqlGeographyBuilder to construct a SqlGeography object.
공용 인터페이스 IGeometrySink Defines the interface that the SqlGeometryBuilder class uses to construct a SqlGeometryBuilderobject.


  열거형 설명
공용 열거형 OpenGisGeographyType Lists Open GIS geography types.
공용 열거형 OpenGisGeometryType Lists Open GIS geometry types.