Server.EnumLocks Method
Enumerates a list of current locks held on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
업데이트된 텍스트:
Use this method to determine the locks that are currently held on the instance of SQL Server. The information that is returned can help you identify locking problems that might affect performance.
이 네임스페이스, 클래스 또는 멤버는 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 버전에서만 지원됩니다.
오버로드 목록
이름 | Description |
Server.EnumLocks () |
Enumerates a list of current locks held on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Server.EnumLocks (Int32) |
Enumerates a list of current locks held by the specified process on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
참고 항목
Server Class
Server Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace
관련 자료
How to: Use an Enumeration Method that Returns a DataTable Object in Visual Basic .NET
Calling Methods
서버 관리