DataMemberCaptionTemplate (Dimension Interface)
[!참고] 이 기능은 다음 버전의 Microsoft SQL Server에서 제거됩니다. 새 개발 작업에서는 이 기능을 사용하지 말고, 현재 이 기능을 사용하는 응용 프로그램은 가능한 한 빨리 수정하십시오.
The DataMemberCaptionTemplate property of the Dimension interface contains a template string that is used to create captions for system-generated data members.
Applies To:clsAggregationDimension, clsCubeDimension, clsDatabaseDimension, clsPartitionDimension
Data Type
Access depends on the value of the ClassType property of the object.
Class type | Access |
clsDatabaseDimension |
R/W* |
clsCubeDimension |
R |
clsPartitionDimension |
R |
clsAggregationDimension |
R |
*Read/write for objects of ClassType clsDatabaseDimension with a SubClassType of sbclsParentChild or sbclsMining, read-only for all others.
This property is used in conjunction with the MembersWithData property. It is used to automatically generate captions for system-generated data members.
The data member captions are generated by substituting the caption of the associated member for the asterisk (*) placeholder character in the property string. The default data member caption template is "(* Data)".
For example, the template "(* Salary)" produces the caption "(John Doe Salary)" for the system-generated data member associated with the member John Doe.
This property is ignored when the MembersWithData property is dataforLeafMembersOnly.
The following code example constructs a template for data members that will supply captions similar to (Subtotals for John Doe)
' Assume the existence of a database dimension named dsoDim.
dsoDim.DataMemberCaptionTemplate = "(Subtotals for *)"
참고 항목
Dimension Interface
MembersWithData (Dimension Interface)