다음을 통해 공유

Description (clsColumn)

[!참고]   이 기능은 다음 버전의 Microsoft SQL Server에서 제거됩니다. 새 개발 작업에서는 이 기능을 사용하지 말고, 현재 이 기능을 사용하는 응용 프로그램은 가능한 한 빨리 수정하십시오.

The Description property of an object of ClassType clsColumn sets or returns the description of the column. This property is reserved for future reference in Decision Support Objects (DSO) and is not available to client applications.

Data Type





A. Setting the Description Property

Use the following code to set the Description property for a clsColumn object:

' Assume an object (dsoColumn) of ClassType clsColumn exists
dsoColumn.Description = "Number Sold"

B. Adding a Column to a Mining Model and Setting the Column Description Property

The following example creates a new column in the mining model and sets a number of properties, including the Description property:

' Add a new column to the mining model called Gender and relate this
' column to the Gender member property of the Name level of the
' Customers dimension. Declare that the data in this column is
' statistically discrete.

' Assume the existence of a DSO Level object, dsoLv.
    'Add another column to the model.
    Set dsoColumn = dsoDmm.Columns.AddNew("Gender")
    'Identify the member property of the Customers dimension
    'that this column is based on.
    'Set the column's description for browsers of the schema.
    Set dsoColumn.Description = "Based on the Gender member property " & _
      "of the Name level of the Customers dimension."
    Set dsoColumn.SourceOlapObject = dsoLvl.MemberProperties("Gender")
    'Identify its type.
    dsoColumn.DataType = adWChar
    'Make this column related to the Customer Id column.
    dsoColumn.RelatedColumn = "Customer Id"
    'Identify this column as containing discrete data.
    dsoColumn.ContentType = "DISCRETE"

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