SpecialFlag (clsColumn)
[!참고] 이 기능은 다음 버전의 Microsoft SQL Server에서 제거됩니다. 새 개발 작업에서는 이 기능을 사용하지 말고, 현재 이 기능을 사용하는 응용 프로그램은 가능한 한 빨리 수정하십시오.
The SpecialFlag property assists the Distribution property in identifying the statistical nature of the column's data values for model optimization purposes.
Data Type
Read/write for columns with a SubClassType of sbclsRegular whose IsKey and IsParentKey properties are False, read-only for all others.
For columns whose IsKey or IsParentKey properties are set to True and columns with a SubClassType of sbclsNested, this property returns an empty string.
This property suggests the column contents to the mining model. This suggestion is used to optimize the mining model's MiningAlgorithm and can be left unspecified.
Supported values for this property are listed in the MINING_SERVICES schema rowset in the SUPPORTED_SPECIAL_FLAGS column.
Building a New Column
The following example builds a new column and sets its SpecialFlag property to PROBABILITY:
Set dsoColumn = dsoNestedCol.Columns.AddNew("pOn Sale")
dsoColumn.SourceColumn = "Sales.pOnSale"
dsoColumn.DataType = adDouble
dsoColumn.RelatedColumn = "On Sale"
dsoColumn.SpecialFlag = "PROBABILITY"
참고 항목
MiningAlgorithm (clsMiningModel)