다음을 통해 공유

CommandType (Command Interface)

[!참고]   이 기능은 다음 버전의 Microsoft SQL Server에서 제거됩니다. 새 개발 작업에서는 이 기능을 사용하지 말고, 현재 이 기능을 사용하는 응용 프로그램은 가능한 한 빨리 수정하십시오.

The CommandType property of the Command interface contains an enumeration constant that identifies the command option.

Applies To:clsCubeCommand, clsDatabaseCommand, clsRoleCommand

Data Type





The value of CommandType determines how the Analysis server interprets the command object. The following table lists the possible values.

Command type Description


The command contains a CREATE ACTION statement. For more information, see CREATE ACTION Statement.


The command defines one or more calculated members.


The command defines one or more sets of existing members.


The command specifies a third-party DLL that contains functions to be registered for use in Multidimensional Expressions (MDX).


The command defines statements that are not included in any of the other command types, such as DROP MEMBER statements or new statements that may be added to future versions.


The command defines a calculated cells definition.

  To ensure compatibility with Analysis Manager, you should create only one action, calculated member, named set, or calculated cells definition per command.


A. Specifying the Command Type

Use the following code to specify a command type for an existing command object:

CommandObject.CommandType = cmdCreateMember

B. Determining the Command Type

Use the following code to determine the type of command in use:

Dim CommandType As DSO.CommandTypes
CommandType = CommandObject.CommandType
Select Case CommandType
    Case cmdCreateAction
        ' Insert code to create an action.
    Case cmdCreateMember
        ' Insert code to define a calculated member.  
    Case cmsCreateSet
        ' Insert code to define a named set of existing members. 
    Case cmdUseLibrary
        ' Insert code to use a third-party library. 
    Case cmdCreateCellCalculation
        ' Insert code to create a calculated cells definition.
   Case cmdUnknown
        ' Insert code to define other statements. 
End Select

참고 항목


Command Interface

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SQL Server 2005 지원 받기