메시지 맵 매크로(MFC)
To support message maps, MFC supplies the following macros:
Message-Map Declaration and Demarcation Macros
Declares that a message map will be used in a class to map messages to functions (must be used in the class declaration). |
Begins the definition of a message map (must be used in the class implementation). |
Ends the definition of a message map (must be used in the class implementation). |
Message-Mapping Macros
Indicates which function will handle a specified command message. |
Indicates which function will handle a specified control-notification message. |
Indicates which function will handle a user-defined message. |
Indicates which function will handle a menu command from a DocObject or its container. |
Indicates which function will handle a registered user-defined message. |
Indicates which function will handle a registered user-defined message when you have a CWinThread class. |
Indicates which function will handle a user-defined message when you have a CWinThread class. |
Indicates which function will handle a specified user-interface update command message. |
Message-Map Range Macros
Indicates which function will handle the range of command IDs specified in the first two parameters to the macro. |
Indicates which update handler will handle the range of command IDs specified in the first two parameters to the macro. |
Indicates which function will handle notifications from the range of control IDs specified in the second and third parameters to the macro. The first parameter is a control-notification message, such as BN_CLICKED. |
For more information on message maps, the message-map declaration and demarcation macros, and the message-mapping macros, see Message Maps and Message Handling and Mapping Topics. For more information about message-map ranges, see Handlers for Message-Map Ranges.