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SPHttpUtility members

Provides access to methods used to encode and decode strings during the processing of Web requests.

The SPHttpUtility type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method SPHttpUtility Initializes a new instance of the SPHttpUtility class.



  Name Description
Public methodStatic member AddQuote(String) Encloses the specified string in quotation marks.
Public methodStatic member AddQuote(String, Char) Encloses the specified string in quotation marks using the specified character.
Public methodStatic member AddQuote(String, TextWriter) Encloses the specified string in quotation marks and appends the output to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member AddQuote(String, Char, TextWriter) Encloses the specified string in quotation marks using the specified character and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member ConvertSimpleHtmlToText Converts an HTML string from a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation rich text field to plain text.
Public methodStatic member EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(String) Returns an encoded version of the specified JavaScript.
Public methodStatic member EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(String, TextWriter) Returns an encoded version of the specified JavaScript and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member HtmlDecode(String) Retrieves a decoded version of the specified encoded HTML string.
Public methodStatic member HtmlDecode(String, Boolean) Decodes a string that was encoded by the HtmlEncode(String) method.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncode(Guid) Encodes the string with the specified GUID for use as text between HTML tags, or as an attribute value inside an HTML tag.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncode(Int32) Retrieves the specified integer as a text string to be enclosed in HTML tags, or an attribute value inside an HTML tag.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncode(String) Encodes the specified string for use as text between HTML tags, or as an attribute value inside an HTML tag.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncode(String, TextWriter) Encodes the specified string as a text string to be enclosed in HTML tags, or as an attribute value inside an HTML tag, and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncodeAllowSimpleTextFormatting(String) Encodes the specified string for use as text between HTML tags, preserving spaces in the original string and allowing simple text formatting.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncodeAllowSimpleTextFormatting(String, TextWriter) Encodes the specified string for use as text between HTML tags, preserving spaces in the original string and allowing simple text formatting, and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member HtmlUrlAttributeEncode(String) Encodes the specified string for use as an attribute value for URL type attributes, such as the href attribute of an anchor tag or the src attribute of an image tag.
Public methodStatic member HtmlUrlAttributeEncode(String, TextWriter) Encodes the specified string for use as an attribute value for URL type attributes, such as the href attribute of an anchor tag or the src attribute of an image tag, and appends it to the specified output stream.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member NoEncode(Object) Retrieves the specified string object as an unencoded string.
Public methodStatic member NoEncode(String) Retrieves the specified string as an unencoded string.
Public methodStatic member NoEncode(Object, TextWriter) Retrieves the specified string object as an unencoded string, and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member UrlEncodeFilenameForHttpHeader Encodes a file name for use in an HTTP header.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueDecode Decodes the specified encoded URL query string key or value.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueEncode(Guid) Encodes a GUID for use in a URL query string.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueEncode(Int32) Encodes an integer key or value for use in a URL query string.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueEncode(String) Encodes a string for use in a URL query string.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueEncode(String, TextWriter) Encodes the specified URL query string key or value, and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueEncode(String, String) Encodes a string key and value for use in a URL query string.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueEncode(String, String, TextWriter) Encodes a string key and value for use in a URL query string, and then appends it to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member UrlPathDecode Decodes the specified encoded path part of a URL.
Public methodStatic member UrlPathEncode(String, Boolean) Encodes the specified path part of a URL for HTTP transmission.
Public methodStatic member UrlPathEncode(String, Boolean, Boolean) Encodes the specified path part of a URL for HTTP transmission.
Public methodStatic member UrlPathEncode(String, Boolean, TextWriter) Encodes the specified path part of a URL for HTTP transmission, and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member UrlPathEncode(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Encodes path portion of an URL for reliable HTTP transmission from the Web server to a client.
Public methodStatic member UrlPathEncode(String, Boolean, Boolean, TextWriter) Encodes the specified path part of a URL for HTTP transmission, and appends it to the specified output stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteAddQuote(String, Page) Add a quote character quote around a given string, send it to TextWriter output stream. This function is a wrapper for AddQuote that takes a Page instead of a TextWriter for an argument.
Public methodStatic member WriteAddQuote(String, Char, Page) Add a quote character quote around a given string, send it to TextWriter output stream. This function is a wrapper for AddQuote that takes a Page instead of a TextWriter for an argument.
Public methodStatic member WriteEcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode
Public methodStatic member WriteHtmlEncode
Public methodStatic member WriteHtmlEncodeAllowSimpleTextFormatting
Public methodStatic member WriteHtmlUrlAttributeEncode
Public methodStatic member WriteNoEncode
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlKeyValueEncode(String, Page)
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlKeyValueEncode(String, String, Page)
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlPathEncode(String, Boolean, Page)
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlPathEncode(String, Boolean, Boolean, Page)


See also


SPHttpUtility class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities namespace