다음을 통해 공유

SPTheme members

Represents a theme as described in an SPTheme XML file.

The SPTheme type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccessibleDescription Gets an accessible description of this theme.
Public property BackgroundImageUri Gets the URI of the background image for this theme or null if none is set.
Public property IsInverted Gets whether this theme is inverted (light foreground on a dark background).
Public property Name Gets the name of this theme.



  Name Description
Public method ApplyTo Applies this theme to the given web.
Public methodStatic member EnforceThemedStylesForWeb Causes the currently applied theme on the web to be re-applied.
Public methodStatic member EnsureThemedStylesForLocales Generate themed stylesheets for the specified set of locales using the currently applied theme.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetThemeFontByName Gets a theme font by font slot name.
Public method GetThemeShadeByName Gets a theme shade by name
Public method GetThemeShadeByNameOrNull(String) Gets a theme shade by name or null if no such theme shade exists in this theme
Public method GetThemeShadeByNameOrNull(String, Boolean) Gets a theme shade by name or null if no such theme shade exists in this theme
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member OnPostApplyTheme Performs operations needed after SPWeb.ThemedCssFolderUrl is updated. This includes calling SPWeb.Update()
Public methodStatic member Open(String, SPFile) Opens an SPTheme file with the given name and color palette.
Public methodStatic member Open(String, SPFile, SPFile) Opens an SPTheme file with the given name and color palette.
Public methodStatic member Open(String, SPFile, SPFile, Uri) Opens an SPTheme file with the given name and color palette.
Public methodStatic member OpenAppliedTheme Open the theme applied to the specified SPWeb if applicable.
Public methodStatic member OpenFromXml(SPFile) Opens an SPTheme from a sptheme XML file
Public methodStatic member OpenFromXml(SPFile, Boolean) Opens an SPTheme from a sptheme XML file
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


SPTheme class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities namespace