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SPRatingUsageEntry members

NOTE: This API is now obsolete.

Encapsulates rating usage data that is logged for timer jobs.

The SPRatingUsageEntry type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPRatingUsageEntry() Obsolete. Initializes a new instance of the SPRatingUsageEntry class.
Public method SPRatingUsageEntry([]) Obsolete.



  Name Description
Public property BrowserSessionId Obsolete. Gets or sets the browser session ID.
Public property CorrelationId (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property CustomData Obsolete. Gets or sets any custom data to be associated with this SPRatingUsageEntry object.
Public property FarmId The identifier for the farm where this usage entry originated. (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property FeedbackAnswerId Obsolete. Gets or sets the ID of the predefined feedback answer that is logged.
Public property FeedbackAnswerNumericEquivalent Obsolete. Gets or sets the numeric equivalent of each feedback answer. You can use this property to calculate average ratings. The scale is always 0 to 100.
Public property FeedbackAnswerText Obsolete. Gets or sets the text string of the predefined feedback answer that is logged.
Public property FeedbackControlCulture Obsolete. Gets or sets the culture of the feedback control. For example, if the feedback control is displayed in U.S. English, this property should be logged as "en-us".
Public property FeedbackIdentifier Obsolete. Gets or sets a unique ID that associates all logging for a particular rating instance of a user together.
Public property FeedbackQuestionId Obsolete. Gets or sets the ID of the feedback question that is logged.
Public property FeedbackQuestionText Obsolete. Gets or sets the text of the feedback question that is logged.
Public property FeedbackTime Obsolete. Gets or sets the timestamp of when the rating was completed.
Public property IsUserSatisfactionAnswer Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the answer represents the user's explicit feedback of satisfaction.
Public property MachineName (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property ParentInstanceName (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property ParentType Obsolete. The Type of the derived SPUsageDefinition object that is associated with this Usage entry (Overrides SPUsageEntry.ParentType.)
Public property ParentTypeGuid (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property QueryId Obsolete. Gets or sets the ID of the query. This property identifies all result lists, clickthroughs, and ratings related to a query.
Public property RatedAssetId Obsolete. Gets or sets the ID of the asset being rated. Typically the ID is the URL of the asset being rated.
Public property RatedAssetTitle Obsolete. Gets or sets the title of the asset being rated.
Public property RatedAssetWebId Obsolete. Gets or sets the ID of the Web site from which the rating is being logged.
Public property SampleRate Obsolete. Gets or sets the percentage of data that is sampled out. This is a cumulative rate of sampling. By default, the sample rate is 100%.
Public property SiteId Obsolete. Gets or sets the ID of the Web site from where rating usage data is logged.
Public property SiteSubscriptionId Gets or sets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the hosted domain from which this usage event originated. (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property Timestamp Gets or sets a timestamp for the occurrence of this entry. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property TimestampUtc Gets or sets a UTC timestamp for the occurrence of this entry. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property User Gets or sets the name of the user who initiated the usage entry. (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public property UserDepartment Obsolete. Gets or sets the user department.
Public property UserId Obsolete. Gets or sets the ID of the user.
Public property UserTitle Obsolete. Gets or sets the title of the user.
Public property UserVerbatim Obsolete. Gets or sets the text of the user verbatim comment.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetBaseObjectData (Inherited from SPUsageEntry.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Explicit interface implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISerializableUsageEntry.GetObjectData Obsolete.


See also


SPRatingUsageEntry class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace