다음을 통해 공유

SPAllUserClaimProvider members

Allows a selectable "All User" claim with claim type IdentityProvider for each identity provider.

The SPAllUserClaimProvider type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPAllUserClaimProvider Initializes a new instance of the SPAllUserClaimProvider class.



  Name Description
Public property DisplayName Gets the display name of the claims provider. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public property Name (Overrides SPClaimProvider.Name.)
Public property Schema Gets the schema for the claims provider. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public property SupportsDynamicClaims (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public property SupportsEntityInformation Does this claim provider support information about mapping claims to entities? (Overrides SPClaimProvider.SupportsEntityInformation.)
Public property SupportsHierarchy Does this claim provider support hierarchy information? (Overrides SPClaimProvider.SupportsHierarchy.)
Public property SupportsResolve Does this claim provider support resolving claims? (Overrides SPClaimProvider.SupportsResolve.)
Public property SupportsSearch Does this claim provider support searching for claims? (Overrides SPClaimProvider.SupportsSearch.)
Public property SupportsUserKey Does this claim provider support information about retrieving a user key for a login provider? (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public property SupportsUserSpecificHierarchy Determines whether there is user-specific hierarchy information. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)



  Name Description
Public method ClaimTypes Retrieves the ClaimType claim types that is returned by this claims provider. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method ClaimValueTypes Retrieves the ValueType claim value types that is returned by this claims provider. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public methodStatic member CreateAuthenticatedUserClaim Verifies that all users of a given identity provider have authenticated credentials and returns the appropriate SPClaimobject.
Public method CreateClaim(SPClaimArguments) (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Protected method CreateClaim(String, String, String) Creates claims for the claims provider. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Protected method CreateClaimForArguments (Overrides SPClaimProvider.CreateClaimForArguments(SPClaimArguments).)
Public methodStatic member CreateIdentityProviderClaim Creates a claim that will be present for all users of a given identity provider
Protected method CreatePickerEntity Creates a picker entity. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method EntityTypes Retrieves the entity types returned by this claims provider. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current claims provider. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Protected method FillClaimsForEntity(Uri, SPClaim, List<SPClaim>) (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillClaimsForEntity(Uri, SPClaim, List<SPClaim>).)
Protected method FillClaimsForEntity(Uri, SPClaim, SPClaimProviderContext, List<SPClaim>) Virtual overload for FillClaimsForEntity that allows a Claim Provider to have extra information when it runs to augment for a given entity. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Protected method FillClaimTypes (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillClaimTypes(List<String>).)
Protected method FillClaimValueTypes (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillClaimValueTypes(List<String>).)
Protected method FillDefaultLocalizedDisplayName (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillDefaultLocalizedDisplayName(CultureInfo, String).)
Protected method FillEntityTypes (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillEntityTypes(List<String>).)
Protected method FillHierarchy (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillHierarchy(Uri, [], String, Int32, SPProviderHierarchyTree).)
Protected method FillResolve(Uri, [], SPClaim, List<PickerEntity>) (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillResolve(Uri, [], SPClaim, List<PickerEntity>).)
Protected method FillResolve(Uri, [], String, List<PickerEntity>) (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillResolve(Uri, [], String, List<PickerEntity>).)
Protected method FillSchema (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillSchema(SPProviderSchema).)
Protected method FillSearch (Overrides SPClaimProvider.FillSearch(Uri, [], String, String, Int32, SPProviderHierarchyTree).)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetClaimsForEntity(Uri, SPClaim) Gets the claims to be augmented for the entity. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method GetClaimsForEntity(Uri, SPClaim, SPClaimProviderContext) Get the SPClaim for the entity. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method GetClaimTypeForUserKey Retrieves the ClaimType used by this claim provider for the user key. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Protected method GetDynamicClaimsForEntity (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method GetHierarchy Gets the [T:HYPERLINK"ms-help://MS.SPF14SDK.en/SPF14MrefControls/html/a4bf54d0-29e5-e5c2-231e-b1b9f4728a7f.htm"Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyTree] hierarchy that is rooted at a particular hierarchyNodeID. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method GetLocalizedDisplayName (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetUserKeyForEntity Retrieves the user key corresponding to the entity. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public methodStatic member IsAuthenticatedUserClaim(SPClaim)
Public methodStatic member IsAuthenticatedUserClaim(SPClaim, Boolean)
Protected method IsDynamicClaim (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public methodStatic member IsIdentityProviderClaim(SPClaim)
Public methodStatic member IsIdentityProviderClaim(String, String, String, String)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Resolve(Uri, [], SPClaim) Resolves the input. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method Resolve(Uri, [], String) Resolves the input. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method Search Performs a search of the [T:HYPERLINK"ms-help://MS.SPF14SDK.en/SPF14MrefControls/html/a4bf54d0-29e5-e5c2-231e-b1b9f4728a7f.htm"Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPProviderHierarchyTree] hierarchy. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UserKeyForEntity Get the user key for the entity. (Inherited from SPClaimProvider.)


See also


SPAllUserClaimProvider class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims namespace