업데이트: 2009-04-30
This Transact-SQL procedure validates a label-based measure group table for the specified model.
[ @RC = ] dbo.bsp_DI_ValidateLabelTable
[ @ModelName = ] N'model_site_label:model_label' ,
[ @MeasureGroupLabelTableName = ] N'measure_group_label_table_name'
[,[ @AnnotationOnly = ] N'T' | N'F']
Arguments | Description |
[ @ModelName = ] N'model_site_label:model_label' |
The fully qualified name of the model. model_site_label:model_label is nvarchar(128). It has no default. |
[ @MeasureGroupLabelTableName = ] N'measure_group_label_table_name' |
The name of the measure group label table (MG_*_label). measure_group__label_table_name is nvarchar(128). It has no default. |
[ @AnnotationOnly = ] N'T' | N'F' |
Indicates if annotations are validated. T or F is nchar(1). The default is 'F'. |
Return Value
Returns int value for an error code.
To run this procedure, you must have the fixed database roles of db_datareader
and db_datawriter
. You must also have explicit execute permissions on the database object.
We recommend that you perform validation on label-based tables before converting back to ID-based tables. This will save the effort of converting a table that has rows that have validation errors from label-based tables to ID-based tables to fix errors.
This stored procedure is called from the stored procedures bsp_DI_ConvertLabelColumnToMemberIDForMeasureGroup and bsp_DI_ConvertLabelColumnToMemberIDForModel when @IncludeValidation
is set to true.
If you set @AnnotationOnly
to True, the BizSystemFlag is set to 930 for rows in annotation tables that are not valid.
This example shows the label-based table, MG_Corporate Costs_MeasureGroup_default_partition_Label, validated with the bsp_DI_ValidateLabelTable stored procedure.
USE [Alpine_Ski_House_StagingDB]
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[bsp_DI_ValidateLabelTable]
@ModelName = N'Ash_Corporate:Corporate Costs',
@MeasureGroupLabelTableName = N'MG_Corporate Costs_MeasureGroup_default_partition_Label' ,
@AnnotationOnly = N'F'
SELECT'Return Value' = @return_value
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