Data validation errors
업데이트: 2009-04-30
Error messages will appear if validation fails in one or more of the following situations:
You are performing data integration in Planning Business Modeler
You are using the 계획 명령 유틸리티 for Scriptable data integration
You are validaing stored procedures in the staging database
An error message will provide a brief description of what failed, an error code, and in Planning Business Modeler, advise the user to contact the PerformancePoint Data Administrator. See the following example:
Staging Area operation failed. (Error Code: PerformancePoint_225000050)
Unexpected error occurred. Please contact your PerformancePoint Data Administrator.
Data Validation Error Messages
By using the information in the following table, the data administrator can match the error code to the description of the failure and begin troubleshooting.
Error code in staging database | Related stored procedure | SQL Server 2005 error | Error message in Planning Business Modeler |
60900 |
bsp_DI_ValidateDimension |
Module<dimension>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Message while processing object: Dimension Name cannot be empty. An invalid Dimension Name will prevent the FK validation from happening |
No message |
60901 |
bsp_DI_ValidateDimension |
Module<dimension>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Error while processing object: %s. The ModelSiteId %I64d does not exists or is invalid. |
No message |
61001 |
bsp_DI_ValidateHierarchy |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): The ModelSiteId %I64d does not exists or is invalid. |
Load from Staging Area failed for dimension: <x>. The Application and Staging Area are not synchronized. Please synchronize the Staging Area and try again. |
61002 |
bsp_DI_ValidateHierarchy |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Could not find the dimension table information for hierarchy table %s. |
Load from Staging Area failed for dimension: <x>. The Application and Staging Area are not synchronized. Please synchronize the Staging Area and try again. |
61003 |
bsp_DI_ValidateHierarchy |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Missing foreign key relationship for hierarchy table %s. |
Load from Staging Area failed for dimension: <x>. Please contact your PerformancePoint Data Administrator. |
61004 |
bsp_DI_ValidateHierarchy |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Missing parent child relationship for hierarchy table %s. |
Load from Staging Area failed for dimension: <x>. |
61005 |
bsp_DI_ValidateHierarchy |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): The final hierarchy table %s does not have a root node. |
Load from Staging Area failed for dimension: <x>. |
61101 |
bsp_DI_ValidateMeasureGroup |
Module<measure_group>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): The table %s does not exist. |
Specified table does not exist in StagingDB. |
61301 |
bsp_ValidateLabelTable |
Module<label_table>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): The table name (%s) must end with "Label".', |
No message |
61500 |
bsp_CreateHierarchyTableForLabelColumnInput |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Dimension or Table name cannot be empty! |
No message |
62300 |
bsp_CreateHierarchyFromDimension |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): No dimension table provided. |
No message |
62301 |
bsp_CreateHierarchyFromDimension |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): No level columns provided for dimension %s. |
No message |
62302 |
bsp_CreateHierarchyFromDimension |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): No hierarchy name provided to save changes for dimension %s |
No message |
62400 |
bsp_ValidateDimForHierarchyCreation |
Module<dimension>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): The dimension table %s does not exist. |
Memberset creation failed. Unexpected database error occurred. Please refresh model site and try again. |
62401 |
bsp_ValidateDimForHierarchyCreation |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d) :Error while processing dimension with table name %s. Column(s) have been used multiple times for the levels. |
No message |
62402 |
bsp_ValidateDimForHierarchyCreation |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Error while processing dimension with table name %s. The columns do not exist in the dimension. |
Memberset creation failed. Please save this dimension and try again. |
62403 |
bsp_ValidateDimForHierarchyCreation |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Error while processing dimension with table name %s. Error in data - Member has multiple parents |
Memberset creation failed. The specified properties indicate that one or more members have multiple parents. |
62404 (Use 62405) |
bsp_ValidateDimForHierarchyCreation |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Error while processing dimension with table name %s. Error in data - Column refers itself as parent. |
If this is obsolete, then remove. |
62405 |
bsp_ValidateDimForHierarchyCreation |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Error while processing dimension with table name %s. Error in data - Parent Column=%s and Child Column=%s have the same data. |
Memberset creation failed for dimension <d>. The specified properties indicate that a member refers to itself as its parent. |
60901 |
bsp_DI_ValidateDimension |
Module<hierarchy>SP<stored_procedure_name>ErrSeq#(%d): Error while processing object: %s. The ModelSiteId %I64d does not exists or is invalid. |
No message |
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