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Create or modify a collection of Device Update configuration settings in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2013-02-23

Device update configuration settings can be created (at the site scope only) by using Windows PowerShell and the New-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration cmdlet and modified by using the Set-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration cmdlet. These cmdlets can be run either from the Lync Server 2013 Management Shell or from a remote session of Windows PowerShell.


For details about using remote Windows PowerShell to connect to Lync Server, see the Lync Server Windows PowerShell blog article "Quick Start: Managing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Using Remote PowerShell" at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkId=255876.

To create device update configuration settings that use the default values

  • This command creates a new set of device update configuration settings for the Redmond site:

    New-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration -Identity "site:Redmond"

    Because no parameters other than the mandatory Identity parameter were specified in the preceding command, the new collection of configuration settings will use the default values for all its properties.

To change a single property value when creating device update configuration settings

  • To create settings that use different property values, simply include the appropriate parameter and parameter value. For example, to create a collection of device update configuration settings that, by default, deletes old log files every 21 days, use a command like this one:

    New-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration -Identity "site:Redmond" -LogCleanupInterval "21.00:00:00"

To change multiple property values when creating device update configuration settings

  • Multiple property values can be modified by including multiple parameters. For example, this command sets the log cleanup interval to 21 days and the log flush interval to 30 minutes:

    New-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration -Identity "site:Redmond" -LogCleanupInterval "21.00:00:00" -LogFlushInterval "00:30:00"

For details about modifying existing device configuration settings, see the Help topic for the Set-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration cmdlet. For details about creating collections of configuration settings, see the Help topic for the New-CsDeviceUpdateConfiguration cmdlet.