다음을 통해 공유

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Delivery namespace


  Class Description
Public class CloseConnectionEventArgs The CloseConnectionEventArgs class provides data for connection closing events.
Public class CloseConnectionEventSource The CloseConnectionEventSource class provides data for the connection close events.
Public class DeliverMailItemEventArgs The DeliverMailItemEventArgs class provides data for mail delivery events.
Public class DeliverMailItemEventSource The DeliverMailItemEventSource class provides data for mail delivery events.
Public class DeliveryAgent The DeliveryAgent class is the base class for all classes that handle delivery agent events.
Public class DeliveryAgentFactory<Manager> The DeliveryAgentFactory<Manager> class produces instances of the DeliveryAgent class used to extend transport behavior.
Public class DeliveryAgentManager The DeliveryAgentManager class manages instances of the DeliveryAgent class.
Public class OpenConnectionEventArgs The OpenConnectionEventArgs class provides data for connection open events.
Public class OpenConnectionEventSource The OpenConnectionEventSource class provides data for open connection events.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate CloseConnectionEventHandler The CloseConnectionEventHandler event handler represents the method that handles connection close events.
Public delegate DeliverMailItemEventHandler The DeliverMailItemEventHandler represents the method that handles mail delivery events.
Public delegate OpenConnectionEventHandler The OpenConnectionEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle open connection events.