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Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp namespace


  Class Description
Public class AuthCommandEventArgs The AuthCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnAuthCommand event.
Public class ConnectEventArgs The ConnectEventArgs class provides data for the OnConnect events.
Public class ConnectEventSource Classes derived from the ConnectEventSource class provide data for the OnConnect event.
Public class DataCommandEventArgs The DataCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnDataCommand events.
Public class DisconnectEventArgs The DisconnectEventArgs class provides data for the OnDisconnect event.
Public class DisconnectEventSource Classes derived from the DisconnectEventSource class provide data for the OnDisconnect event.
Public class EhloCommandEventArgs The EhloCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnEhloCommand event.
Public class EndOfAuthenticationEventArgs The EndOfAuthenticationEventArgs class provides data for the OnEndOfAuthentication event.
Public class EndOfAuthenticationEventSource Classes derived from the EndOfAuthenticationEventSource class provide data for the OnEndOfAuthentication events.
Public class EndOfDataEventArgs The EndOfDataEventArgs class provides data for the OnEndOfData event.
Public class EndOfHeadersEventArgs The EndOfHeadersEventArgs class provides data for the OnEndOfHeaders event.
Public class HeloCommandEventArgs The HeloCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnHeloCommand event.
Public class HelpCommandEventArgs The HelpCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnHelpCommand event.
Public class MailCommandEventArgs The MailCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnMailCommand event.
Public class NoopCommandEventArgs The NoopCommandEventArgs class provides data to the OnNoopCommand event.
Public class RcptCommandEventArgs The RcptCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnRcptCommand event.
Public class ReceiveCommandEventArgs Classes that derive from the ReceiveCommandEventArgs class provide data for the Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp event.
Public class ReceiveCommandEventSource The ReceiveCommandEventSource class is the base class for all Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp event source classes.
Public class ReceiveEventArgs Classes that derive from the ReceiveEventArgs class provide data for the Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp events.
Public class ReceiveEventSource The ReceiveEventSource class is the base class for all Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp event source classes.
Public class ReceiveMessageEventSource The ReceiveMessageEventSource class is the base class for classes passed to the Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp receive events.
Public class RejectEventArgs The RejectEventArgs class provides data for the OnReject event.
Public class RejectEventSource Classes derived from the RejectEventSource class provide data for the OnReject event.
Public class RsetCommandEventArgs The RsetCommandEventArgs class provides data for the OnRsetCommand event.
Public class SmtpReceiveAgent The SmtpReceiveAgent class is the base class for agent classes that use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) receive events.
Public class SmtpReceiveAgentFactory The SmtpReceiveAgentFactory class produces instances of the SmtpReceiveAgent class that are used to extend Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) transport behavior.
Public class SmtpSession The SmtpSession class is the base class for classes that represent a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) session.
Public class StartTlsCommandEventArgs


  Structure Description
Public structure SmtpResponse The SmtpResponse structure provides properties and methods for responding to Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) requests.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate AuthCommandEventHandler The AuthCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnAuthCommand event of a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate ConnectEventHandler The ConnectEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnConnect event of a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate DataCommandEventHandler The DataCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnDataCommand event of a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate DisconnectEventHandler The DisconnectEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnDisconnect event of a class derived from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate EhloCommandEventHandler The EhloCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnEhloCommand event of a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate EndOfAuthenticationEventHandler The EndOfAuthenticationEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnEndOfAuthentication event in classes derived from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate EndOfDataEventHandler The EndOfDataEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnEndOfData event of a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate EndOfHeadersEventHandler The EndOfHeadersEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnEndOfHeaders event in a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate HeloCommandEventHandler The HeloCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnHeloCommand event in classes that derive from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate HelpCommandEventHandler The HelpCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnHelpCommand event in classes that derive from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate MailCommandEventHandler The MailCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnMailCommand event in classes that derive from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate NoopCommandEventHandler The NoopCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnNoopCommand event in classes that derive from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate RcptCommandEventHandler The RcptCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnRcptCommand event in a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate RejectEventHandler The RejectEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnReject event in a class that derives from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate RsetCommandEventHandler The RsetCommandEventHandler delegate represents the method that will handle the OnRsetCommand event in classes that derive from the SmtpReceiveAgent class.
Public delegate StartTlsEventHandler


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AuthenticationSource The AuthenticationSource enumeration indicates the type of authentication that was used for the connection to the remote server.
Public enumeration BodyType The BodyType enumeration specifies the type of contents that the body of a message contains.
Public enumeration DisconnectReason The DisconnectReason enumeration indicates why the OnDisconnect event fired.
Public enumeration ParsingStatus The ParsingStatus enumeration specifies values to return when parsing a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) command.
Public enumeration SmtpAuthenticationMechanism
Public enumeration SmtpResponseCompareOptions
Public enumeration SmtpResponseType The SmtpResponseType enumeration indicates the status returned from a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) request.