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DtmfControlSettings Members

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

DtmfControlSettings overview

Public Constructors Description
Constructor Inherited from Object.
Public Properties Description
EndSilence Gets or sets the EndSilence property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
InitialTimeout Gets or sets the InitialTimeout property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
InterDigitTimeout Gets or sets the InterDigitTimeout property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
OnClientError Gets or sets the OnClientError property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
OnClientKeyPress Gets or sets the OnClientKeyPress property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
OnClientNoReco Gets or sets the OnClientNoReco property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
OnClientSilence Gets or sets the OnClientSilence property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
Params Gets or sets the Params property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
PreFlush Gets or sets the PreFlush property value of Dtmf controls that reference the DtmfControlSettings control.
Public Methods Description
Equals Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode Inherited from Object.
GetType Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals Inherited from Object.
ToString Inherited from Object.
Protected Methods Description
Finalize Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone Inherited from Object.


Platforms:  Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family.

See Also

DtmfControlSettings Class | DtmfControlSettings Constructor | DtmfControlSettings Properties | DtmfControlSettings Methods