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CorrelatorData Property

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Gets or sets the correlator information that may be provided with the call by Computer Telephony Integration (CTI). Read/write.


Get value: String = CallInfo.CorrelatorData;
Set value: CallInfo.CorrelatorData = <correlatorData>String</correlatorData>
Data type: String
Required: No


The CorrelatorData property contains CTI correlator data associated with the call. For more information on correlator data see the topic Microsoft SALT Interpreter CSTA Private Data Extensions.

Authors can get and set correlator data for the current call in client code using the Get and Set methods of RunSpeech.CurrentCall, and in server code using CurrentCall.CorrelatorData. Correlator data is preserved across postbacks using the Redirect method.


The following example demonstrates an OnClientConnected routine that uses the CurrentCall object to get properties of the call that has just been connected. In the OnClientConnected routine, these values are available as parameters, but other client-side routines can use the CurrentCall object to access any property of the CallInfo class. See Additional Client Scripting Elements for more information.

  function myClientConnected(obj, CallID, networkCallingDevice, networkCalledDevice) {
    LogMessage("", "Call has been Connected: " + 
      RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("MonitorCrossRefID") + " - " + 
      RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CallState") + " - " + 
      RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CallID") + " - " +
      RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CalledDevice") + " - " +
      RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CallingDevice") + " - " +
      RunSpeech.CurrentCall().Get("CorrelatorData") );
    return true;
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
  <speech:AnswerCall runat="server"

See Also

CallInfo Class | CallInfo Constructor | CallInfo Members | CallInfo Properties | CallInfo Methods | CallInfo Remarks | CallInfo Client Object