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ConfirmRejectThreshold Property for French (Canada)

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Gets or sets the recognition confidence level at or below which a confirmation is rejected. Read/write.


ASP.NET markup: <speech:ApplicationControl ConfirmRejectThreshold="..." />
Get value: Float = ApplicationControl.ConfirmRejectThreshold;
Set value: ApplicationControl.ConfirmRejectThreshold = Float;
Data type: Float
Required: No; Default: 0


The ConfirmRejectThreshold property is usually higher than the RejectThreshold that applies to all other answers. This property is passed to all the relevant internal confirm answer elements created by this control. The control throws an exception for out-of-range values.


The following example demonstrates the ConfirmRejectThreshold property that is used in the SocialSecurityNumber Application Speech Control.

<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
  <speech:semanticmap id="SemanticMap1" runat="server">
      <speech:SemanticItem id="SemItemSSN" runat="server" BindOnChanged="True"
        TargetElement="TextBoxYear" TargetAttribute="value" >

  <speech:SocialSecurityNumber id="SSN1" runat="server"
    QuestionPrompt="quel est votre numéro d'assurance sociale?" 
    BabbleTimeout="2500" InitialTimeout="2500"  MaxTimeout="5000"
    ConfirmThreshold="0.5" RejectThreshold="0.5" ConfirmRejectThreshold="0.6" 

  <asp:TextBox id="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

See Also

ApplicationControl Class | ApplicationControl Constructor | ApplicationControl Members | ApplicationControl Properties | ApplicationControl Methods | ApplicationControl Events | ApplicationControl Remarks