다음을 통해 공유

meta Element

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Specifies document metadata. Metadata is information about a document in contrast to the document content.

   name = string
   http-equiv = string 
   content = string />


  • name
    Optional. Specifies the property name of the metadata. All meta elements must specify either a name attribute or an http-equiv attribute, but not both. The only value supported by the Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK) is base. All other values are ignored by the SASDK speech recognition engine.
  • http-equiv
    Optional. Binds the meta element to the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) response header, specifying information that should be included in that response header. All meta elements must specify either a name attribute or an http-equiv attribute, but not both. Use only values that are known by the Web server or are defined in the document type definition (DTD).
  • content
    Required. Specifies the value of the metadata property identified by the name attribute. When the value of the name attribute is base, then the value of the content attribute must be a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies the location of the grammar document's base URI. External rule references within the grammar that do not specify an absolute path are resolved relative to the location specified by this URI.

Note  The SASDK speech recognition engine requires a trailing slash at the end of the URI if the URI references a directory. If the trailing slash is missing, the speech recognition engine ignores the last directory name in the URI, and sets the base URI instead to the penultimate directory name. The following table illustrates the actual value of the base URI for a content attribute value that excludes the trailing slash, and a content attribute value that includes the trailing slash.

Value of content attribute: Actual base URI set to:
C:\SpeechApplication1\Grammars C:\SpeechApplication1\
C:\SpeechApplication1\Grammars\ C:\SpeechApplication1\Grammars\


The meta element must occur before all rule elements contained with the root grammar element. There are no constraints on the ordering of meta elements.

The function of <meta name="base" content="…"/> is identical to the function of the xml:base attribute of the grammar element. If both are present in a grammar file, the value of xml:base overrides <meta name="base" content="…"/>.

The meta element is a container in which authors can place information about the document using a metadata schema. Authors can use any metadata schema. However, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommends that authors use the Resource Description Format (RDF) schema in conjunction with the general metadata properties (for example, Title, Creator, Subject, Description, Copyrights) defined in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative


<grammar version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US" tag-format="semantics-ms/1.0"
    <meta name="Creator" content="Adam Barr" />
    <meta name="seeAlso" content="http://www.adatum.com/grammar-metadata.xml" type="media-type"/>
    <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
    <meta http-equiv="Date" content="Tue, 19 Oct 2004 10:41:00 GMT" />  
    <meta name="base" content="C:\grammars\" />

See Also

Grammar XML