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Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

SpeechRecognitionEngine Members

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Provides the means to access and manage a speech recognition engine.

The SpeechRecognitionEngine type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SpeechRecognitionEngine() Initializes a new instance of the SpeechRecognitionEngine class using the default speech recognizer for the system.
Public method SpeechRecognitionEngine(CultureInfo) Initializes a new instance of the SpeechRecognitionEngine class using the default speech recognizer for a specified locale.
Public method SpeechRecognitionEngine(String) Initializes a new instance of the SpeechRecognitionEngine class with a string parameter that specifies the name of the recognizer to use.
Public method SpeechRecognitionEngine(RecognizerInfo) Initializes a new instance of the SpeechRecognitionEngine using the information in a RecognizerInfo object to specify the recognizer to use.



  Name Description
Public property AudioFormat Gets the format of the audio being received by the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public property AudioLevel Gets the level of the audio being received by the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public property AudioPosition Gets the current location in the audio stream being generated by the device that is providing input to the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public property AudioState Gets the state of the audio being received by the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public property BabbleTimeout Gets or sets the interval of time that a SpeechRecognitionEngine accepts input containing only background noise before finalizing recognition.
Public property EndSilenceTimeout Gets or sets the interval of silence that the SpeechRecognitionEngine will accept at the end of unambiguous input before finalizing a recognition operation.
Public property EndSilenceTimeoutAmbiguous Gets or sets the interval of silence that the SpeechRecognitionEngine will accept at the end of ambiguous input before finalizing a recognition operation.
Public property Grammars Gets a collection of the Grammar objects that are loaded in this SpeechRecognitionEngine instance.
Public property InitialSilenceTimeout Gets or sets the time interval during which a SpeechRecognitionEngine accepts input containing only silence before finalizing recognition.
Public property MaxAlternates Gets or sets the maximum number of alternate recognition results that the SpeechRecognitionEngine returns for each recognition operation.
Public property NormalizerCollection Gets the normalizer collection.
Public property RecognizerAudioPosition Gets the current location of the SpeechRecognitionEngine in the audio input that it is processing.
Public property RecognizerInfo Gets information about the current instance of SpeechRecognitionEngine.



  Name Description
Public method Dispose() Disposes the SpeechRecognitionEngine object.
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) Disposes the SpeechRecognitionEngine object and releases resources used during the session.
Public method EmulateRecognize(String) Emulates input of a phrase to the speech recognizer, using text in place of audio for synchronous speech recognition.
Public method EmulateRecognize(String, EmulateOptions) Emulates input of a phrase to the speech recognizer, using text in place of audio for synchronous speech recognition, and specifies the type of recognition operation to perform.
Public method EmulateRecognize(String, CompareOptions) Emulates audio input to the recognition engine, using text in place of audio for synchronous speech recognition, and specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the phrase and the loaded speech recognition grammars
Public method EmulateRecognize([], CompareOptions) Emulates input of specific words to the speech recognizer, using an array of RecognizedWordUnit objects in place of audio for synchronous speech recognition, and specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the words and the loaded speech recognition grammars.
Public method EmulateRecognize(String, CompareOptions, EmulateOptions) Emulates audio input to the recognition engine, using text in place of audio for synchronous speech recognition, specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the phrase and the loaded speech recognition grammars, and specifies the type of recognition operation to perform.
Public method EmulateRecognize([], CompareOptions, EmulateOptions) Emulates input of specific words to the speech recognizer, using an array of RecognizedWordUnit objects in place of audio for synchronous speech recognition, specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the words and the loaded speech recognition grammars, and specifies the type of recognition operation to perform.
Public method EmulateRecognizeAsync(String) Emulates input of a phrase to the speech recognizer, using text in place of audio for asynchronous speech recognition.
Public method EmulateRecognizeAsync(String, EmulateOptions) Emulates input of a phrase to the speech recognizer, using text in place of audio for asynchronous speech recognition, and specifies the type of recognition operation to perform.
Public method EmulateRecognizeAsync(String, CompareOptions) Emulates input of a phrase to the speech recognizer, using text in place of audio for asynchronous speech recognition, and specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the phrase and the loaded speech recognition grammars.
Public method EmulateRecognizeAsync([], CompareOptions) Emulates input of specific words to the speech recognizer, using text in place of audio for asynchronous speech recognition, and specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the words and the loaded speech recognition grammars.
Public method EmulateRecognizeAsync(String, CompareOptions, EmulateOptions) Emulates audio input to the recognition engine, using text in place of audio for asynchronous speech recognition, specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the phrase and the loaded speech recognition grammars, and specifies the type of recognition operation to perform.
Public method EmulateRecognizeAsync([], CompareOptions, EmulateOptions) Emulates input of specific words to the speech recognizer, using an array of RecognizedWordUnit objects in place of audio for asynchronous speech recognition, specifies how the recognizer handles Unicode comparison between the words and the loaded speech recognition grammars, and specifies the type of recognition operation to perform.
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic member InstalledRecognizers Returns information for all of the installed speech recognizers on the current system.
Public method LoadGrammar Synchronously loads a Grammar object.
Public method LoadGrammarAsync Asynchronously loads a Grammar object.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public method QueryRecognizerSetting Returns the values of the current settings for a speech recognition engine managed by a SpeechRecognitionEngine object.
Public method Recognize() Performs a synchronous speech recognition operation.
Public method Recognize(TimeSpan) Performs a synchronous speech recognition operation with a specified initial silence timeout period.
Public method RecognizeAsync() Performs a single, asynchronous speech recognition operation.
Public method RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode) Performs one or more asynchronous speech recognition operations.
Public method RecognizeAsyncCancel Terminates asynchronous recognition without waiting for the current recognition operation to complete.
Public method RecognizeAsyncStop Stops asynchronous recognition after the current recognition operation completes.
Public method RequestRecognizerUpdate() Requests that the recognizer pauses to update its state.
Public method RequestRecognizerUpdate(Object) Requests that the recognizer pauses to update its state and provides a user token for the associated event.
Public method RequestRecognizerUpdate(Object, TimeSpan) Requests that the recognizer pauses to update its state and provides an offset and a user token for the associated event.
Public method SetInputToAudioStream Configures the SpeechRecognitionEngine object to receive input from an audio stream.
Public method SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice Configures the SpeechRecognitionEngine object to receive input from the default audio device.
Public method SetInputToNull Disables the input to the speech recognizer.
Public method SetInputToWaveFile Configures the SpeechRecognitionEngine object to receive input from a Waveform audio format (.wav) file.
Public method SetInputToWaveStream Configures the SpeechRecognitionEngine object to receive input from a stream that contains Waveform audio format (.wav) data.
Public method SimulateRecognize Simulates recognition of the specified string.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)
Public method UnloadAllGrammars Unloads all Grammar objects from the recognizer.
Public method UnloadGrammar Unloads a specified Grammar object from the SpeechRecognitionEngine instance.
Public method UpdateRecognizerSetting(String, Int32) Updates the specified setting for the SpeechRecognitionEngine with the specified integer value.
Public method UpdateRecognizerSetting(String, String) Updates the specified setting for the SpeechRecognitionEngine with the specified integer value.



  Name Description
Public event AudioLevelUpdated Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine reports the level of its audio input.
Public event AudioSignalProblemOccurred Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine detects a problem in the audio signal.
Public event AudioStateChanged Raised when the state changes in the audio being received by the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public event EmulateRecognizeCompleted Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine finalizes an asynchronous recognition operation of emulated input.
Public event LoadGrammarCompleted Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine finishes the asynchronous loading of a Grammar object.
Public event RecognizeCompleted Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine finalizes an asynchronous recognition operation.
Public event RecognizerUpdateReached Raised when a running SpeechRecognitionEngine pauses to accept modifications.
Public event SpeechDetected Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine detects input that it can identify as speech.
Public event SpeechHypothesized Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine has recognized a word or words that may be a component of multiple complete phrases in a grammar.
Public event SpeechRecognitionRejected Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine receives input that does not match any of its loaded and enabled Grammar objects.
Public event SpeechRecognized Raised when the SpeechRecognitionEngine receives input that matches any of its loaded and enabled Grammar objects.


See Also


SpeechRecognitionEngine Class

Microsoft.Speech.Recognition Namespace