.gif) |
AggregationWebPart |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
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ArgumentClassWrapper |
Wraps System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList. |
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AspTransformControl |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
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AuthenticationButton |
Implements the authentication button control in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. |
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BadMarkupData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
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BaseXsltDataWebPart |
Represents the BaseXsltData Web Part. |
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BlogAdminWebPart |
Provides a control that displays administrative links for blogs. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
BrowserBuilderType |
Used to specify use of the default builder for a custom property or provide a custom builder for the property at run time. |
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ChartViewWebPart |
Infrastructure. This class and its members are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
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ConsumerParameter |
Gets values from the ConsumerParameterCapabilities enumeration. |
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ContentEditorWebPart |
Displays HTML and script-based content. The Web Part stores the content in a property or links to a source file. |
.gif) |
CustomPropertyToolPart |
Represents the default tool part that is displayed in the tool pane for a Web Part that implements one or more custom properties (properties other than those provided by the WebPart base class). |
.gif) |
DataFormConsumerConnectionPoint |
Represents the Connection point that disables itself when the owning Web Part is not supposed to provide rows or to consume Web Part parameters. |
.gif) |
DataFormParameter |
Receives data (XML/XPathNavigable objects) from a ASP2.0.Net DataSourceControl. |
.gif) |
DataFormProviderConnectionPoint |
Disables itself when the owning Web Part should not provide rows. |
.gif) |
DataFormWebPart |
An XSLT-rendering Web Part that receives its data (XML/XPathNavigable objects) from a DataSourceControl control. |
.gif) |
DataSourceControlDisabledException |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
DataViewWebPart |
Provides run-time support for data retrieval and presentation in Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003. |
.gif) |
DesignerBuilderType |
Contains references to builders for a design application compatible with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007. |
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EditorPartAdapter |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
FilterConsumerInfoBar |
Displays informative messages about Web Part connections to filter consumers. |
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FilterInfoBar |
Displays contextual information in filters and filter consumers. Stores message information. |
.gif) |
FilterProviderInfoBar |
Displays information about how the parent filter gets default values and to which Web Parts it is providing filter values. |
.gif) |
FriendlyNameAttribute |
Specifies the caption displayed in the property pane for a Web Part's custom property. If you don't specify this attribute, the actual property name will be displayed in the property pane. |
.gif) |
HtmlDesignerAttribute |
Defines the HtmlDesigner attribute that is used on a Web Part custom property. It specifies if a custom property uses a custom builder and the URL of the builder, or if the custom property does not use any builder, including any default builder. |
.gif) |
ImageWebPart |
Displays a linked image. It also supports Web Part Connections between compatible Web Parts. |
.gif) |
ListFormWebPart |
Renders Windows SharePoint Services list forms in a Web Part. |
.gif) |
ListViewWebPart |
Renders Windows SharePoint Services list views in a Web Part. |
.gif) |
ManagedLinkAttribute |
Indicates a property that should be processed. |
.gif) |
MembersWebPart |
Implements the list display on the Document Workspace home page. |
.gif) |
Menu |
Represents the menu for a Web Part. |
.gif) |
MenuItem |
Used to create and modify the behavior of items on a Web Part menu. |
.gif) |
MenuItemCollection |
Used to add, delete, and arrange the menu items that are displayed in a Web Part menu. |
.gif) |
PageViewerWebPart |
Displays content from a linked Web Page, folder, or file. This Web Part renders its content within an IFRAME element. |
.gif) |
ParameterNameValueHashtable |
A collection of the name/value pairs and ad hoc filters that are used for parameters for the XSL/T value ParameterNameValueHashTable. |
.gif) |
ResourcesAttribute |
Derived from Object.Attribute and used for specifying how a property should be localized. |
.gif) |
SettingsLink |
Implements rendering for the Web Part Page menu (Modify Shared Page or Modify My Page). |
.gif) |
SimpleFormWebPart |
Implements a Web Part that displays HTML forms. |
.gif) |
SPAttachedProperty |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
SPChrome |
Provides Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 capabilities for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts. |
.gif) |
SPChromeSettings |
Provides Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 capabilities for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts. |
.gif) |
SPEditorPartChrome |
Controls rendering of Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 EditorParts and ToolParts that are hosted in the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Services ToolPane. |
.gif) |
SPLimitedWebPartCollection |
A read-only collection of the ASP.NET Web Parts exposed by SPLimitedWebPartManager. |
.gif) |
SPLimitedWebPartManager |
Provides a limited set of Web Part operations that can be performed in our object model scenarios when there is no HttpContext and no Page object is instantiated. |
.gif) |
SPProxyWebPartManager |
Provides a way for developers to declare static connections in a content page when a SPWebPartManager control is declared in the master page that is associated with the content page. |
.gif) |
SPWebCategoryNameAttribute |
Defines the friendly or localized name of the category of a property in the CustomPropertyToolPartcontrol inside the ToolPane. |
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SPWebPartConnection |
Provides an object that enables two Web Parts to form a connection. |
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SPWebPartConnectionCollection |
A collection of SPWebPartConnectionobjects. |
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SPWebPartManager |
Manages all the Web Part controls, functionality, and events that occur on a Web page. |
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SPWebPartsConnectionBuilder |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
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SPWebPartTransformerCollection |
Represents a collection of WebPartTransformer objects. |
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SupportsAttributeMarkupAttribute |
Enables an appropriate Web Part to be serialized into page markup using standard control attribute markup. |
.gif) |
TextZoomBuilder |
Contains the methods for the default design-time text builder. |
.gif) |
TitleBarWebPart |
Implements the title Web Part for a Web Part Page and renders the Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.SettingsLink. |
.gif) |
ToolPane |
Represents the tool pane on a Web Part Page. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
ToolPane.ErrorEventArgs |
Provides data for the ToolPane.ErrorOccurred event. |
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ToolPane.ViewChangeEventArgs |
Provides data for the ViewChanging and ViewChanged events of the ToolPane class. |
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ToolPart |
Defines custom tool parts that display a customized user interface for defining the properties of a Web Part inside of the tool pane. |
.gif) |
TransformableFilterValuesToFieldTransformer |
Allows the connection of standard filters that implement ITransformableFilterValuesto any Web Part that can consume IWebPartField. This transformer returns the first value of the first parameter sent via ITransformableFilterValues. |
.gif) |
TransformableFilterValuesToFilterValuesTransformer |
Allows the connection of standard filters that implement ITransformableFilterValues to any Web Part that can consume IFilterValues. This transformer returns the first value of the first parameter sent via ITransformableFilterValues. |
.gif) |
TransformableFilterValuesToParametersTransformer |
Allows standard filters, which implement ITransformableFilterValues, to connect to any Web Part that can consume IWebPartParameters. |
.gif) |
UnknownXmlElementCollection |
Contains the XML elements that were not mapped to a property on the Web Part during import. |
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UserDocsWebPart |
Displays documents authored by a particular user. |
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UserTasksWebPart |
Displays the tasks assigned to a particular user. |
.gif) |
WebPart |
Provides the base class for creating Windows SharePoint Services Web Parts. |
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WebPartPage |
Inherits from System.Web.UI.Page to implement a Web Part Page. |
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WebPartPageUserException |
Extends the System.ApplicationException class. This class is used by the Web Part infrastructure and Web Part developers to throw and identify exceptions that will be rendered as error messages to users. |
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WebPartPreview |
Provides a preview of a Web Part in the Web Part catalog. |
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WebPartQuickAdd |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
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WebPartStorageAttribute |
Specifies how a property should be stored. |
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WebPartToolPart |
Represents a tool part that can be used to show and modify Web Part base class properties |
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WebPartZone |
Allows you to create zones that are containers for Web Parts. The properties of this class allow you to specify how the zone will appear on your Web Part Page and also the behavior of the zone itself. For example, when you create the zone object, you can allow personalization and/or customization for the Web Parts placed within the zone. |
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WSSXmlUrlResolver |
Creates a new resolver for the given webpart. |
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XmlWebPart |
Displays XML transformed on the server using XSL. The Web Part stores the content in a property or links to a source file. |