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Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace

Used for various utilities tasks, including encoding of strings and processing of user information.


  Class Description
AttachmentEnumerator Represents an enumerator for SPEmailMessage attachments.
DateOptions Provides access to properties and methods that view and set date options.
IntlDate Represents an international date value.
MoblogUtility Specifies enumerations for a mobile Web log site.
RightsSensitiveVisibilityHelper Represents a hyperlink that is hidden if the current user does not have appropriate permissions for the current Web site or list.
SPDiffUtility Provides a method and supporting properties to determine the text differences between two strings.
SPEmailAttachment Represents an attachment in an e-mail message.
SPEmailAttachmentCollection Represents the attachments in an e-mail message.
SPEmailHeader Represents a message header for an e-mail message.
SPEmailHeaderCollection Represents the collection of message headers for an e-mail message.
SPEmailMessage Represents a MIME-formatted e-mail message.
SPEncode Provides methods for encoding strings.
SPHttpUtility Provides access to methods for encoding and decoding strings when processing Web requests.
SPIntlCal Represents an international calendar.
SPMobileUtility Provides access to methods and enumerations for working with a mobile Web application.
SPPrincipalInfo Provides access to information about the current principal.
SPPropertyBag Stores arbitrary key-and-value pairs that contain custom property settings.
SPStringUtility Provides access to methods for manipulating strings.
SPThreadPool Provides access to methods for queuing a method for execution by using the identity of a remote user or a specified user token.
SPUrlUtility Provides access to methods that operate on URLs.
SPUtility Provides tools for converting date and time formats, for obtaining information from user names, for modifying access to sites, and for various other tasks in managing a deployment of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.


  Structure Description
SimpleDate Represents a date value containing the year, month, and day in any local calendar.


  Interface Description
ISPCalendar Provides methods for working with the local calendar.


  Enumeration Description
AuthenticationRestrictions Specifies whether access is restricted to only authenticated users, only anonymous users, or is available to all users.
DBCSQueryStringEncodings Specifies whether double-byte character set (DBCS) query strings use Unicode or UTF8 encoding.
FormatConversionOption Specifies the format to use for Web Part conversions.
IconSize Specifies the default icon size.
PageModes Specifies the page mode required to view items.
PermissionContext Specifies the context object to which a permission mask is applied.
PermissionMode Specifies whether the user must have all of the rights specified in the permission mask to view a link, or only one of the rights specified in the permission mask.
SPBehaviorInternal For methods whose behavior has changed between Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, this class specifies which behavior to use.
SPDateFormat Specifies the date and time format.
SPLangId Provides access to the integer identifier of the local language.
SPPrincipalSource Specifies the source of the current principal.
SPPrincipalType Specifies the principal type.
SPRedirectFlags Specifies flags for a redirect operation.
SPSessionCredentialsFlags Specifies whether the SharePoint session requires authentication.
SPWebServiceBehavior Specifies web service behavior.