ContentByQueryWebPart Members
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Include Inherited Members
A Web Part object that is used to retrieve dynamic information.
The ContentByQueryWebPart type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ContentByQueryWebPart() | Initializes a new instance of a Content Query Web Part object. | |
ContentByQueryWebPart(String, String, String) | Initializes a new instance of a Content Query Web Part object with default XSL. |
Name | Description | |
AccessKey | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
Adapter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AdditionalFilterFields | Additional filter fields to show in the tool pane. | |
AdditionalGroupAndSortFields | Additional group and sortable fields to show in the tool pane. | |
AllowClose | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AllowConnect | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AllowEdit | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AllowHide | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AllowMinimize | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AllowRemove | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AllowXSLTEditing | Do not allow Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 XSLT editing of this Web Part. (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
AllowZoneChange | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AsyncRefresh | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Attributes | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
AuthorizationFilter | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
AutoRefresh | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
AutoRefreshInterval | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
BackColor | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BackImageUrl | (Inherited from Panel.) | |
BaseType | The base type number to query for. | |
BindingContainer | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BorderColor | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BorderStyle | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BorderWidth | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
BrowserDesignMode | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
CacheType | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
CacheXslStorage | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
CacheXslTimeOut | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
CanHaveServerControls | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Caption | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
CatalogIconImageUrl | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ChildControlsCreated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ChromeState | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ChromeType | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ClassResourcePath | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ClientID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientIDSeparator | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientName | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
CommonViewFields | Gets or sets the CommonViewFields property for this ContentByQueryWebPart object. | |
ConnectErrorMessage | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ConnectionFilters | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ConnectionID | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Connections | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ContainerWidth | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ContentTypeBeginsWithId | Gets or sets the content type ID. | |
ContentTypeName | Gets or sets the ContentTypeName property. | |
Context | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextView | (Inherited from BaseXsltDataWebPart.) | |
Controls | (Inherited from Part.) | |
ControlStyle | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
ControlStyleCreated | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
CssClass | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
CssStyleSheet | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Data | Data to use for the XSL transform. | |
DataColumnRenames | Column to rename after the data has been retrieved. | |
DataFields | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
DataMappings | Gets or sets the data mappings. | |
DataMappingViewFields | Gets or sets the view fields for data mapping. | |
DataSource | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
DataSourceID | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
DataSources | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
DataSourcesString | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Default | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
DefaultButton | (Inherited from Panel.) | |
DefaultSampleData | Gets the default sample data that is not used by Microsoft SharePoint Designer when there is no real data available. (Overrides CmsDataFormWebPart.DefaultSampleData.) | |
Description | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
DesignMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DetailLink | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Dir | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Direction | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
DisplayColumns | Gets or sets the number of columns that are displayed. | |
DisplayName | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
DisplayTitle | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
EffectiveFrameType | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
EffectiveStorage | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
EffectiveTitle | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Enabled | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
EnableTheming | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
EnableViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ErrorMessageClass | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Events | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ExportControlledProperties | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ExportMode | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
FeedDescription | The description of the data feed. | |
FeedEnabled | Enable the feed for this ContentByQueryWebPart object. | |
FeedTitle | The title of this data feed. | |
Filter1ChainingOperator | Gets or sets the filter chaining operator for the Filter1() property. | |
Filter1IsCustomValue | Gets or sets the Filter1IsCustomValue property value. | |
Filter2ChainingOperator | Gets or sets the filter chaining operator for the FilterField2 property. | |
Filter2IsCustomValue | Gets or sets the Filter2IsCustomValue property value. | |
Filter3IsCustomValue | Gets or sets the Filter3IsCustomValue property value. | |
FilterByAudience | Determines whether to filter by audience. | |
FilterDisplayValue1 | Gets or sets the FilterDisplayValue1 property value. | |
FilterDisplayValue2 | Gets or sets the FilterDisplayValue2 property value. | |
FilterDisplayValue3 | Gets or sets the FilterDisplayValue3 property value. | |
FilterField | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
FilterField1 | Gets or sets the FilterField1 property value. | |
FilterField2 | Gets or sets the FilterField2 property value. | |
FilterField3 | Gets or sets the FilterField3 property value. | |
FilterIncludeChildren1 | Gets or sets the FilterIncludeChildren1 property value. | |
FilterIncludeChildren2 | Gets or sets the FilterIncludeChildren2 property value. | |
FilterIncludeChildren3 | Gets or sets the FilterIncludeChildren3 property value. | |
FilterOperations | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
FilterOperator1 | Gets or sets the FilterOperator1 property value. | |
FilterOperator2 | Gets or sets the FilterOperator2 property value. | |
FilterOperator3 | Gets or sets the FilterOperator3 property value. | |
FilterPropertyDescriptorCollection | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
FilterType1 | Gets or sets the FilterType1 property value. | |
FilterType2 | Gets or sets the FilterType2 property value. | |
FilterType3 | Gets or sets the FilterType3 property value. | |
FilterValue | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
FilterValue1 | Gets or sets the FilterValue1 property value. | |
FilterValue2 | Gets or sets the FilterValue2 property value. | |
FilterValue3 | Gets or sets the FilterValue3 property value. | |
FilterValues | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
FireInitialRow | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Font | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
ForeColor | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
FrameState | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
FrameType | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
GroupBy | Gets or sets the list field name used to group the set of list items. | |
GroupByDirection | Gets or sets the direction of the group order for the list items. | |
GroupByFieldType | Gets or sets the list field type used to group the set of list items. | |
GroupingText | (Inherited from Panel.) | |
GroupStyle | Gets or sets the group style. | |
HasAttributes | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
HasChildViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HasSharedData | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
HasUserData | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
HeaderXslLink | Gets or sets the server-relative URL for the Header XSL link. (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
Height | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
HelpLink | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
HelpMode | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
HelpUrl | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Hidden | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
HorizontalAlign | (Inherited from Panel.) | |
ID | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
IdSeparator | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ImportErrorMessage | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
InitialAsyncDataFetch | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
IntermediateFormActions | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
IsChildControlStateCleared | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsClosed | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
IsGhosted | Gets the IsGhosted property value. (Overrides BaseXsltDataWebPart.IsGhosted.) | |
IsIncluded | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
IsIncludedFilter | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
IsPrivilegedUser | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
IsShared | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
IsStandalone | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
IsStatic | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
IsTrackingViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsViewStateEnabled | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsVisible | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ItemContext | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ItemLimit | Gets or sets the limit of number of items to query. | |
ItemStyle | Gets or sets the item style. | |
ItemXslLink | Gets or sets the server-relative URL for the Item XSL link. (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
ListDisplayName | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ListGuid | Gets or sets the List GUID. | |
ListId | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ListName | Gets or sets the name of the list. (Overrides DataFormWebPart.ListName.) | |
ListsOverride | Gets or sets the list field name used to filter the set of list items. | |
ListUrl | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
LoadViewStateByID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MainXslLink | Gets or sets the server-relative URL for the Main XSL link. (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
ManualRefresh | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
MediaPlayerStyleSource | Gets or sets a string value which a URL reference to an Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) document containing a ControlTemplate definition to be used as the media player's style or skin. | |
MissingAssembly | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
NamingContainer | (Inherited from Control.) | |
NoDefaultStyle | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
NoFilterField | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
OverflowAuto | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Page | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PageSize | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
PageType | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ParameterBindings | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ParametersPropertyDescriptorCollection | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ParameterValues | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Parent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PartImageLarge | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
PartImageSmall | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
PartOrder | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Permissions | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
PlayMediaInBrowser | Gets or sets a value indicating whether links to media files should be played within the browser rather than with the operating system media player. | |
ProcessDataDelegate | Delegate called to process data before it is sent to the XSL transform. | |
Qualifier | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
QueryOverride | Gets or sets the list field name used to filter the set of list items. | |
Results | Gets the SiteDataResults object that is returned by a query. | |
SampleData | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
SaveProperties | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Schema | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ScrollBars | (Inherited from Panel.) | |
SerializeAll | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
SerializedAttachedPropertiesShared | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
SerializedAttachedPropertiesUser | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ServerRelativeClassResourcePath | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ServerRelativeHeaderXslLink | Gets the server -relative URL of the HeaderXslLink property. (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
ServerRelativeItemXslLink | Gets the server-relative URL of the ItemXslLink property. (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
ServerRelativeMainXslLink | Gets the server-relative URL of the MainXslLink property. (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
ServerTemplate | The server template number to query for. | |
SharedXsl | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
SharedXslHashKey | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ShouldCacheDataSource | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ShouldToolPartShowDataSourceID | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ShouldToolPartShowParameterBindings | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ShouldToolPartShowXslEditor | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ShouldValidate | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ShowToolbarWithRibbon | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ShowUntargetedItems | Whether to show items that have no audiences associated with them. | |
ShowWithSampleData | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Site | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SkinID | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
SortBy | Gets or sets the list field name used to sort the set of list items. | |
SortByDirection | Gets or sets the direction of the sort order for the list items. | |
SortByFieldType | Gets or sets the list field type used to sort the set of list items. | |
StorageKey | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Style | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
Subtitle | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
SuppressWebPartChrome | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
SystemViewFields | Gets or sets the SystemViewFields for the query. | |
TabIndex | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TagKey | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TagName | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
TemplateControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TemplateSourceDirectory | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Title | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
TitleIconImageUrl | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
TitleUrl | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Toolbar | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ToolTip | (Inherited from WebControl.) | |
UniqueID | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UnknownXmlElements | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
UseCache | Gets or sets whether this ContentByQueryWebPart() should use the cache to retrieve its data. | |
UseCopyUtil | Gets or sets whether the URL for items should use the View Property page. | |
UseDefaultStyles | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
UseSQLDataSourcePaging | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Verbs | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ViewContentTypeId | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ViewFieldsOverride | Gets or sets the list field name used to filter the set of list items. | |
ViewFlag | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ViewFlags | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ViewId | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
ViewState | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ViewStateIgnoresCase | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Visible | (Inherited from Control.) | |
WebBrowsableObject | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
WebPartException | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
WebPartManager | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
WebPartMenu | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
WebsOverride | Gets or sets the list field name used to filter the set of list items. | |
WebUrl | Gets or sets the server-relative URL of the Web site. | |
Width | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
WorkItemTimeout | Obsolete. (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
Wrap | (Inherited from Panel.) | |
XmlDefinition | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
XmlDefinitionLink | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Xsl | (Inherited from CmsDataFormWebPart.) | |
XslLink | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Zone | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ZoneID | (Inherited from WebPart.) | |
ZoneIndex | (Inherited from WebPart.) |
Name | Description | |
DataBinding | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DeferredRowDelegates | (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.) | |
Disposed | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Init | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Load | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PreRender | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Unload | (Inherited from Control.) |
Explicit Interface Implementations